Recent content by chaoscreater

  1. C

    Wifi ADB debug mode lost on restart?

    Oh lol. Yeah you'd need that on for sure. I never turn it off because it's useful all the time. On some phones, you need to also disable the authorization timeout and some other settings. They're all found under Developer Settings.
  2. C

    Wifi ADB debug mode lost on restart?

    Wireless debugging requires wifi to be on. When I turn off my wifi, wireless debugging is off as well. However, ADB TCPIP 5555 should still stay on and so it doesn't actually impact me if I leave my wifi turned off, otherwise it would have bugged me to hell if I had to re-do this whole thing all...
  3. C

    Wifi ADB debug mode lost on restart?

    Only the first connection on phone boot-up is required for me. On my Xiaomi phone (rooted) and Lenovo tablet (non-rooted but runs MacroDroid and Shizuku), I can get ADB over TCP on first bootup even after I disconnect my wifi. I'm not using Wirebug on my Lenovo tablet because Wirebug requires root.
  4. C

    MacroDroid quick tile not named properly

    I've set up MacroDroid on my new tablet (Lenovo Xiaoxin Pad Pro 12.7') and for some reason the MD quick tiles just aren't updating their names to the actual names that I've given them. They're named Macrodroid tile 1, tile 2, etc. Normally, I would fix this by going to MD -> quick tiles and...
  5. C

    How to compare contents of 2 variables?

    Your suggestion did help me a lot. I ended up tweaking a few things and got it working. And yes it's definitely faster than iterating an array/dictionary. Thanks again.
  6. C

    How to compare contents of 2 variables?

    Ended up appending a - between the words using regex, so that it makes each word unique. So instead of Google-Home, it'll become Google-Home and therefore when the word "Google" is matched, it'll just match itself and not any other words that contain Google. Not ideal, but it'll do for my use case.
  7. C

    How to compare contents of 2 variables?

    Thanks, I've just tried it but it doesn't quite work. Firstly, it should be replacing \n by | because there could be words that are separated by spaces. It'd be better to do this on a new line instead. Anyway, here's my data for variable A: Here's my data for variable B: And here's the...
  8. C

    How to compare contents of 2 variables?

    Let's say I have 2 variables: Variable A: apple orange pear banana kiwifruit Variable B: orange apple pear I want to compare them and list only the differences that are found in Variable A but not Variable B. Does anyone have a shell script for this? I've tried a few shell scripts and just...
  9. C

    Android 15 will break MacroDroid helper

    I'm still on Android 13 and I don't really see the need to update to newer versions. Sure I might miss security patches, but I don't do any banking stuff on my phone and don't do anything dodgy that would potentially get my device compromised. Would rather stay on older Android version purely...
  10. C

    Wireless Debugging intent

    Turns out that I don't even need the port! I found this app from F-Droid called Wirebug. In the app, you can enable wireless debugging and after that point, you can then run adb connect IP_address, e.g. adb connect Right after that, you can then run adb tcpip 5555. Both these can...
  11. C

    Wireless Debugging intent

    That's a nice tool, but I'm not sure how it would help here. All I need to do is something like this: 1. Open the Wireless Debugging page 2. Get IP address and port on the page 3. Run adb connect ip_address : port with Termux via Termux Tasker plugin 4. Once connected, use Termux again to run...
  12. C

    Wireless Debugging intent

    This guy seems to have gotten it working though: I just can't figure out how to take some of his settings and turn it into an intent. I wish there's some tool that shows you the intent behind the scenes, like when you click on a menu setting, it'll...
  13. C

    Webhook not working

    I just tested this as I ran into the issue again yesterday and it didn't work. I got a new tablet and restored my Macrodroid backup to it. As per my previous post, it seems that when the backup is restored, it somehow messes with the deviceID. The deviceID on the tablet is not the same as the...
  14. C

    MacroDroid Helper APK

    Not sure what you are on about. You either root to get functionalities that would otherwise require a helper app, OR you install helper app and it should give you additional functionalities. It doesn't matter what Android ROM you're using, it should work unless there's some weird compatibility...
  15. C

    MacroDroid Helper APK

    That makes no sense at all. Android IS open source. Any developer or company that wants to use Android as the OS in their ROM will obviously make use of what's already there. The majority of the work is done by Google and they just take the image and build upon it. Why would they go and waste...