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  1. LF0

    Add triggers for specified activity pages being opened/closed.

    Please consider adding it, or adding a magic text for retrieving the name of the foreground activity page.
  2. LF0

    The customizable popup message doesn't work on my device.

    I recently switched to a new phone with the Android 14 system.I encountered an issue where the customizable popup message doesn't work properly when MacroDroid is running in the background on my device. The message disappears instantly after popping up. What should I do? Device model: vivo...
  3. LF0

    A strange issue in a vivo device

    I found that the open/close trigger of the application becomes unreliable when I use the system launcher. When I open a system application (such as system settings), MacroDroid cannot detect that it has been opened. The application open trigger only fires when I interact with the settings. If I...
  4. LF0

    (Need help) rename and delete folders

    Is there any other way to rename and delete folders in the "Android/data" path other than UI interactions? I tried the delete option in the file operation, but my system is preventing me from authorizing macrodroid to access the "Android/data" folder, I need to delete folder A and then rename...
  5. LF0

    Using Shizuku run adb in Macrodroid

    (For more information on how to install and enable Shizuku, please search for other posts, this post only contains how to use it in Macrodrid) First, follow the "Use in terminal app" tutorial on the Shizuku homepage Edit the rish file and change the "PKG" in it to "com.arlosoft.macrodroid"...
  6. LF0

    The new UI click trigger seems to be influenced by the screen reader refresh rate.

    When only the UI click trigger is enabled, with a screen reader update frequency set to 5 seconds, the background CPU activity for MacroDroid is only around 0.4%..when set to 0.1 seconds, the CPU activity at least doubles, reaching around 1.0%. I created a test macro before going to sleep...
  7. LF0

    Disable/enable specified triggers using actions (already been implemented)

    Due to certain reasons, I need to consider disabling specific triggers in certain situations. Please consider adding an action to MacroDroid that allows for disabling/enabling specified triggers within itself or other macros. This way, I won't have to disable the entire macro.
  8. LF0

    Regarding the device's wake lock.

    Today, when I checked the wake locks on my device, I noticed that MacroDroid has been using the 'FusedLocation' wake lock a significant number of times. Is this wake lock related to location? I am absolutely certain that none of my macros include any location triggers or actions. This is very...
  9. LF0

    Suggestion Regarding Device Owner Permissions

    Please consider gradually introducing support for "Device Owner" permissions in future versions. After setting MacroDroid as the device owner using adb, MacroDroid will be able to disable the system camera, prevent software installation or uninstallation, disable network connections or Bluetooth...
  10. LF0

    Consider adding support for Shizuku in the shell script.

    "Shizuku" is an open-source software that, when activated, allows users to use ADB commands without the need to connect to a computer. The author provides a developer's guide to facilitate its use by other applications. I believe adding support for Shizuku to the "shell script" functionality...
  11. LF0

    Optimize the "Dim Screen" function.

    Please adjust the screen overlay of the 'Dim Screen' function so that it correctly covers the system status bar.