Generic trigger to geofences entry/exit

Since i use geofences quite a lot, i was wondering if there is a way to set a trigger to be activated entering or exiting any geofence.

Such as:
Geofence both (instead of entry or exit)
Any Geofence (instead of a specific one)

Because currently to set something like this up, i got to do something like this:

Geofence Entry
Place A
Geofence Exit
Place A
Geofence Entry
Place B
Geofence Exit
Place B
Geofence Entry
Place C
Geofence Exit
Place C
(For hundreds of geofences)

Another workaround I made was to set a trigger from 5/5min to force location update, but it seems kinda power draining.

Any chance of this generic trigger being implemented?


New member
It might work to use the logcat feature. I don't know the specifics of if or how it would work but I know a geofence entry should get written to the logs when entry/exit occur.
It might work to use the logcat feature. I don't know the specifics of if or how it would work but I know a geofence entry should get written to the logs when entry/exit occur.
I dont actually know how to use it, it seems i have to root the device