Recent content by Fredroypoulin

  1. Fredroypoulin

    Getting a random number between two integer variables.

    Well, I think that's the idea of having these discussions. Hope it can give ideas to the developers. This application is already very good. One of the best I ever tried. I would say it's very "ergonomic", easy to use, comprehensive interface. I like it because I know all the logic about computer...
  2. Fredroypoulin

    How to use Random() function

    Would be nice to have arguments with the RANDOM Expression. With integer variables, simply. Example : One argument : RANDOM ( Variable_1 ) Gives you a number between 1 and Variable_1 Two arguments : RANDOM ( Variable_1 , Variable_2 ) **Gives you a number between...
  3. Fredroypoulin

    Getting a random number between two integer variables.

    To get a random number between 2 integer variables. Why can't we use a variable expression like : RANDOM([lv=Variable_1],([lv=Variable_2]) (Simplified) : RANDOM ( Variable 1, Variable 2 )