Recent content by zx_spectroscopy

  1. Z

    How can I test if an integer variable is odd or even?

    That was definitely it, once I set the expression into a variable and used that for comparison, it started working :)
  2. Z

    How can I test if an integer variable is odd or even?

    Thank you, this was really helpful as I was able to experiment further. If check = 0 was still failing on me, but once I changed that to If {lv=check}=0 everything went well, thank you!
  3. Z

    How can I test if an integer variable is odd or even?

    I’ll try that, but first I'll try to understand why neither A2 or A3 are executed - the macro should yield A1, A2, A1, A3, A1, A2, A1, A3,... but instead I only get A1, A1, A1,...
  4. Z

    How can I test if an integer variable is odd or even?

    Yes, a little too complex for a newbie, but even using Qarboz’s approach I am somehow failing (see my screenshot above)
  5. Z

    How can I test if an integer variable is odd or even?

    Thank you! I can’t see to wrap my head around MD’s syntax, this is what I got: a global variable called step, which should be incremented by 1 within the loop. But actions 2 & 3 are never triggered, only action 1 is repeated. What am I doing wrong? Thank you again
  6. Z

    How can I test if an integer variable is odd or even?

    Sorry for the sily question, but I couldn’t find an answer anywhere
  7. Z

    macro forces app to exit to lock screen

    I disabled logging hoping it would somehow fix the issue, but it didn’t. For now, I've added a condition to the macro so that it stops when the device locks
  8. Z

    macro forces app to exit to lock screen

    I have a simple repeating macro that takes a screenshot and clicks once with a 1.33s interval between these actions. It is manually started/stopped. A lot of times the macro forces that apps that I’m taking screenshots in to exit to the lock screen. The macro doesn’t stop, it faithfully keeps...
  9. Z

    macro help - (take screenshot + swipe left) x 100

    I tried this, but I wasn’t able to add a second trigger without it triggering the actions again, it acted as a Stop/Start--It stopped the While #2 not fired/Do loop, but it also started it again. I’m new, obviously, I’ll keep investigating. On another note, I don’t suppose there’s a way to...
  10. Z

    macro help - (take screenshot + swipe left) x 100

    Thank you, both replies were very helpful. I thought I’d checked something as basic as UI accessibility, but apparently it had stopped working, hence nothing registering (might’ve been a Xiaomi issue). I now have two macros working together, #1 triggered by a floating button and looping trough...
  11. Z

    macro help - (take screenshot + swipe left) x 100

    a simpler question would be this - not even taking into account a loop, I’ve defined a button which when clicked should trigger two actions take screenshot click somewhere on the right of the screen but the second action doesn’t register. I've tried swipes, clicks, multiple clicks, switching...
  12. Z

    macro help - (take screenshot + swipe left) x 100

    Hi, I’m trying to set up a macro that does this, but I’m unable to do so: Manual Start trigger Take Screenshot Swipe Left Stop either after a set number times or Manual Stop Any help would be appreciated, thank you!