Recent content by ZxPwd

  1. ZxPwd

    [HELP] Questions on Interactive UI

    looks like it had to do with the UI interaction ending the call, So I set custom coordinates, Now it works. Thank you very much for all your help this community is awesome!
  2. ZxPwd

    [HELP] Questions on Interactive UI

    It seems I must be doing something wrong. I want the call to automatically end after 30 seconds this is what I have.
  3. ZxPwd

    [HELP] Questions on Interactive UI

    Thank you kindly for your reply I will take a look more closely at the content text. And as for adding wait time for the user interface to refresh I already do that but thank you for your input. As for my other question would you be able to explain to me if it is possible to do the following...
  4. ZxPwd

    [HELP] Questions on Interactive UI

    Hello I was wondering if i can create "clicks" using "Text Content" I have an app that has the word (INTERESTED) I want the macro to find that string inside this app and click on it, then once it clicks on it I want it to find another string to click on. Right now I'm using Coordinates (X, Y)...