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  1. JoeReMi

    Show "Block Screen Touches" area

    The Block Screen Touches action is a very handy one, but I often notice that I would like to visually verify where the screen touches are blocked. This would not only be useful for checking if the area is in the right place, but any other users of the device would also understand a bit better...
  2. JoeReMi

    Require password to disable macrodroid.

    Could you share with us these black magicks of which you speak?
  3. JoeReMi

    Require password to disable macrodroid.

    This might not help depending on why you want to disable MacroDroid but: How about a macro that disables/re-enables every macro except itself?
  4. JoeReMi

    Require password to disable macrodroid.

    Agreed! We have been discussing it a lot here. In that topic you will also find a macro that someone has made as a temporary solution (though I don't think it works for the quick tile thing)
  5. JoeReMi

    How to keep notification open on accidental press?

    Thank you so much! I will look into this, it looks neat. If I need help I know who to ask :)
  6. JoeReMi

    How to keep notification open on accidental press?

    Hi! I have a macro that reminds me to take my meds. It causes a notification every 15 minutes with the question "Did you take your meds?" and YES and NO buttons. However sometimes I press besides the YES button and hit the notification itself, which disappears. Is there any way to prevent this...
  7. JoeReMi

    Geofences have incorrect coordinates

    My Geofences all seem to have the same default coordinates. They all point to the following location: 1.111111,2.22222 - Google Maps As none of my Geofence circles are anywhere near the equator or the west coast of Africa, this is somewhat odd. What is going on here? Just in case: I know for a...
  8. JoeReMi

    Scanning a dictionary/array variable for specific content anywhere

    Wait, so then what's happening in this video? Because the array was not converted and it still worked.
  9. JoeReMi

    Scanning a dictionary/array variable for specific content anywhere

    I think that conversion happens automatically. I can just enter an array as-is in the Value 1 field and it works fine.
  10. JoeReMi

    Scanning a dictionary/array variable for specific content anywhere

    Why not just use Compare Values? "If {lv=array} contains {your RegEx here}, then..."
  11. JoeReMi

    Macro for blocking specific chats but not messaging apps themselves

    Hi! I've been messing with a similar macro. It's been very funstrating! Right now it presses the back button every 5 seconds when Google is the foreground app and the Discover stories are detected Lock Me Out/AppBlock is the foreground app and the map screens are detected (no more spending...
  12. JoeReMi

    Password Protection for Macrodroid Toggle On/Off button

    Ah, if this is chosen I would hope that it is optional. I have a macro that depends on detecting that form and then closing MD. I have it limited to certain times and places to prevent a "forever lockout"
  13. JoeReMi

    Password Protection for Macrodroid Toggle On/Off button

    I assume they were talking about a situation where you have a buggy macro/bad loop that (for example) closes MacroDroid every time you open it. When that happens password entry is reset as well. Without a password there's usually enough time to quickly hit the "disable" button
  14. JoeReMi

    Password Protection for Macrodroid Toggle On/Off button

    Then could you take a look at this and tell me how I can add it?
  15. JoeReMi

    Password Protection for Macrodroid Toggle On/Off button

    Ah, my bad, I don't have that. Then are you suggesting that this new feature only applies to the toggle button in MD and not to the quick tile? That sounds good to me. edit: seems my message crossed your edit 😋
  16. JoeReMi

    Password Protection for Macrodroid Toggle On/Off button

    You could make the same argument for the password feature as it is now. If you have to disable MacroDroid in an emergency, it doesn't really matter if the password prevents access to MD in its entirety (as is the case now) or if it just prevents access to the disable button. You can't disable...
  17. JoeReMi

    Password Protection for Macrodroid Toggle On/Off button

    I also still would like this feature to be implemented.
  18. JoeReMi

    Can I turn an action block back into actions?

    I just extracted some actions to an action block, and didn't know that this would also replace these actions with the action block in the macro they came from. That's not what I wanted (as I wanted to keep part of the actions intact). Is there any way to revert this?
  19. JoeReMi

    V5.45 - Feedback

    It's a really nice improvement that "Set Variable" now allows multiline entry. However, it does put a spotlight on the small size of the "User Prompt" window. Would you consider tweaking that a bit as well, in a future update? In the same vein, the "secure variables" feature is welcome, but...
  20. JoeReMi

    V5.45 - Feedback

    The "favourite actions" feature seems to consider parts of a loop or if-section to be separate actions. So there's a separate action called "End loop" for example. Love the feature though! Great update altogether.