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  1. LinerSeven

    How to write sms to a txt file

    Hi, @Esddiq, I apologise for the delay in responding. You are correct. Additional trigger is not required. The reason is that Textra-App is treated as SMS and therefore reacts with an SMS trigger. Best Regards, Liner Seven,
  2. LinerSeven

    How to write sms to a txt file

    Hi, @Esddiq, After using Textra, the results you reported were improved and the message was exported to text file. Therefore, @Jacob L's point is correct. The trigger cannot properly retrieve the magic text due to the different format of the RCS and SMS. The easiest way to fix this is to...
  3. LinerSeven

    How to write sms to a txt file

    Hi, @Esddiq, Are you using 'Android Messenger'? As the image below shows, it may not be able to be triggered and retrieved.... @Jacob L says 'check', it relates to the RCS(Rich Communication Service). Regards, Liner Seven,
  4. LinerSeven

    How to write sms to a txt file

    Hi, @Esddiq, Does attached a simple concept macro is work on your device? *** You'll have to change output file setting! Regards, Liner Seven (年末調整作業中[in 'Nencho', Income tax reimbursement process work in japanese HR])
  5. LinerSeven


    @M.K. さん、 お力になれず申し訳ありません。 Sumsungの参考ページに従って、 まずは、 設定>通知>詳細設定>各アプリの[通知カテゴリ]を管理 のスイッチをオンにします。 これで、問題の起きているMacrodroidのアプリ詳細に「通知カテゴリ」の欄が表示されるようになりますので、 その後に改めて、 Macrodroidの「通知カテゴリ」に「常駐通知」のスイッチがあるか、ご確認を頂けないでしょうか? 以上です。 宜しくお願い申し上げます。 らいなーせぶん
  6. LinerSeven


    @M.K. さん こんにちわ。 以下の手順でお試し頂けないでしょうか? #1 お使いの端末のアプリケーション一覧から「設定」をタップします。 #2 表示された設定の詳細画面から「アプリ」をタップします。 #3 「XXX 個のアプリをすべて表示」をタップします。 #4 一覧から、「Macrodroid」をタップします。(お使いの端末のアプリケーションのインストール状態により、一覧が表示されるまでに時間が掛かる場合がありますので、ご注意下さい。) #5 「通知」をタップします。 #6...
  7. LinerSeven

    Forum notifications problem

    I have the same problem as him.... It often happens that I don't receive notifications of threads I am watching on the MD forum by email.
  8. LinerSeven

    Hue automation?

    Hi, @Hawki, Official Philips Hue API Document as follows; Request API using MD 'HTTP Request' action according to Address & Method descriptions in the manual. Best Regards, Liner Seven,
  9. LinerSeven

    current location every 2 hours as a new event to my google calendar

    Hi, @gpart1, Could you please try the following procedure after browsing the forum in your normal browser instead of browsing the forum from the Macrodroid app? Regards, Liner Seven,
  10. LinerSeven

    Sorting dictionary by the name(value) field in the Selection Dialog

    Hi, @GamBIT, I have checked with MacroDroid Beta v5.48.9 and it seems that sorting on elements of dictionary type is possible with the ‘Array Manipulation’ action. However, when MacroDroid manipulates array elements with the ‘Array Manipulation’ action, for example, it overwrites the JSON Key...
  11. LinerSeven

    How is BOO.SWAP used?

    Hi, @Edward_D, If BOO.SWAP is a variable, the value obtained depends on the variable type. If it is boolean, you will get True or False, and if it is Numeric, you will get a result of 0 or 1. To help you be sure, I recommend checking the list of global and local variables (of macros that use...
  12. LinerSeven

    Set the Turbo alarm according to the app, which dynamically triggers alarms.

    @Esddiq , Maybe a link to the Play Store for the application under operation,, Regards, Liner Seven,
  13. LinerSeven

    Set the Turbo alarm according to the app, which dynamically triggers alarms.

    Hi, @Esddiq, Could you tell me about the application first so i can work out the best plan? (I don't want to use any other platform....). I don't want you to get your hopes up. I'm going to be working overtime now, so... Regards, Liner Seven,
  14. LinerSeven

    Set the Turbo alarm according to the app, which dynamically triggers alarms.

    Hi, @Esddiq, If you share links to specific apps, others in the know may have the possibility to give you direct mentions... Unfortunately, Japanese (Me and Dimlos) cannot help you more. Because of the following reasons; ***** #1 Non-MacroDroid talk should not be in this community. #2 It...
  15. LinerSeven

    Set the Turbo alarm according to the app, which dynamically triggers alarms.

    Hi, @Esddiq , Do not blindly trust the kindness of others. Unless you want to be swept up in Lawrence of Arabia and be a daily BBC topic. If you are unlucky, you will lose your honour. Regards, Liner Seven,
  16. LinerSeven

    Set the Turbo alarm according to the app, which dynamically triggers alarms.

    Hi, @Esddiq, Locking is no problem. Simply activate the action with the comment [Re-Lock Display]. You will need to unlock the lock yourself. You can modify the logic of the [disabled] PIN login in this macro, or if you already have an auto unlock macro, you should be able to call the macro...
  17. LinerSeven

    Set the Turbo alarm according to the app, which dynamically triggers alarms.

    Hi, @Esddiq , For time correction, adjust the following variables. Units are in seconds. [local.01.Const.Competition.Time.Minute] Positive value: Forward; sets the alarm "earlier" than the iPray time. Zero: no correction. Negative value: Backward; sets the alarm "later" than the iPray time...
  18. LinerSeven

    Set the Turbo alarm according to the app, which dynamically triggers alarms.

    Hi, @Esddiq, > How are you doing today? I went to a local festival with my mother has a limp. From the debug logs you provided, we found that the regular expression did not cover "time with no zero padding". I have therefore improved the regular expression for time. Could you try the...
  19. LinerSeven

    Set the Turbo alarm according to the app, which dynamically triggers alarms.

    @Esddiq , The time adjustment is not as expected and does not seem to be functioning correctly. Could you try the attached macro? Added information to be output in the debug log. It would be helpful if you could share the contents of [local.Debug.getTimeForFajr.Loop]. Regards, Liner Seven,
  20. LinerSeven

    Set the Turbo alarm according to the app, which dynamically triggers alarms.

    @Esddiq , I have tried to put in the measures that I can, Will the attached macro work? Regards, Liner Seven,