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  1. cTx_Dev

    Quick options menu

    You could put Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete in a quick actions menu just for this type of actions.
  2. cTx_Dev

    Divisions Menu settings

    I would like those dividing lines to be added to this copy and paste menu dividing the options into topics because it gets very cluttered, if you could change the colors of each topic it would be more versatile too. Like that To set up _______________________________ Add action above...
  3. cTx_Dev

    Paste nested constraint

    The copy and paste option was developed in the Triggers, Actions and restrictions settings, but it was not made possible to copy a restriction and paste it nested as a restriction in the same item. In this case, when I paste it, it creates a new condition and not a constraint nested within the...
  4. cTx_Dev

    Smart screen selector

    Preciso que o seletor de tela inteligente da Samsung seja adicionado ao macdroid. Com ele finalmente poderei ler os dados da tela que estão faltando na minha macro. Levará muito tempo para adicionar esse recurso? Se você puder usar seu próprio celular, isso também seria ótimo.
  5. cTx_Dev

    Favorite or most used attributes

    I would like both the Triggers, Actions and Restrictions blocks to have a category where MacDroid's favorite or most used items would be located. This would save me a lot of time having to search through this pile of items only for the ones I use most frequently, such as: Variable...
  6. cTx_Dev

    Multiple item selection

    I wish it were possible to select specific parts of the code as a whole and copy them at once. Sometimes I need to select some specific items to use elsewhere and macdroid doesn't yet have this option, which makes developing the macro more time consuming. This function should already be...
  7. cTx_Dev

    Add title, caption and footer

    I wish it were possible to comment both above and below an item. To keep parts of the code as visible and as cluttered as possible. It's also nice to be able to add dividing lines.
  8. cTx_Dev

    Paste in loop option

    The copy option was added to the loop settings but the paste option was not added.
  9. cTx_Dev

    infinite loop

    Good morning my dear, I need urgent help, I was creating a macro with all the triggers per class and as you can't save it without adding an action, I added the action to go to the home screen, when I started the class my phone just kept going to the home screen, not allowing me to do anything...
  10. cTx_Dev

    Notification trigger

    When I use the trigger to receive a notification it is not working, however when I use it to remove a notification it works Must it be a MacDroid bug?
  11. cTx_Dev

    Array iteration

    I looked all over the site and didn't find anything teaching about the array iteration loop in the action block, I couldn't understand how it works in macrodroid. Can anyone tell me?
  12. cTx_Dev


    I would like to know how the "*" and "/" operators work when used in the on-screen search trigger? Does it work the same way in the actions and restrictions block?