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  1. Zhikes Tynine

    Macro Pull Request

    Just like the feature of github, macrodroid has a big community and it's much nice if I can help or anyone can help to a macro that has an issue.
  2. Zhikes Tynine

    Media - play/stop sound action

    The " file - read from file " action has this feature to read a dynamic file name, please add it to " Media - play/stop sound " action so we can play audio files dynamically
  3. Zhikes Tynine

    Http request

    Please add the option to save the redirect URL to a variable
  4. Zhikes Tynine

    Open file action

    So I was trying to use this action to install an apk thru package installer but nothing happens, my guess is macrodroid needs to have that permission to install unknown apps
  5. Zhikes Tynine

    Paid macros

    It's the right time for the macro developers ( people who create macro that are being posted in template section ) to implement a payment method for their hard worked macro, if it is also possible it'll be nice to use a crypto payment ( preferably those gasless tokens or just create a virtual...
  6. Zhikes Tynine

    Http Request's Save response to a file

    So there's this error when someone uses my macro whenever that macro runs it pops up a notification containing "write to file action failed, please configure..." Something like this, when in my usage it works fine, i even added a shell script to create the file destination but still same result...
  7. Zhikes Tynine

    Thread deletion

    Why isn't there a way to delete a thread?
  8. Zhikes Tynine

    Action " File to Variable "

    The HTML get still can't store some website's full data so it'd be nice if this feature will be brought in macrodroid instead. What do I mean by file to variable: An action to store a file's data ( .html, .txt, .xml, etc. ) to a local or global variable.
  9. Zhikes Tynine

    Http Get broken?

    So yeah I'm trying to find an alternative way to achieve something like this function and it's pretty hard, but can this be fixed? The problem is whenever I use this and save it inside a var it saves not even half of the entire source code
  10. Zhikes Tynine

    Shell script issue

    I ran to a bug ig? It's when I ran this shell script and save it to a car in MD it saves not even halfway of the data. Here's an example script: Cat some_file.txt Note that the file has let's say around 3k but it shows under 400? But when I ran the same script on a terminal it displays...
  11. Zhikes Tynine

    Action 'File open'

    Make this workable with variables. like the variable(string) contains the file's storage path. this one is the normal file open action: and this one is what I meant:
  12. Zhikes Tynine

    Webhook (url)

    Does anyone have an example macro for this i can't uderstand it very well.
  13. Zhikes Tynine

    Android 11+ Bloatware Removal

    A macro that will help you debloat apps on your phone without the use of a PC or Root methods. Here's the link 🔗: Leave a star if it helps.
  14. Zhikes Tynine

    File Malware Scanner (Optimized)

    So hello again this macro is a free version of anti virus that uses virustotal scanned files and is accessible by sha 256 searching. Also this macro is a slimmed version of File Malware Scanner (W.I.P). here's some quick preview of scanned file: If you experienced some issues please report it...
  15. Zhikes Tynine

    Wifi configure not working

    as the title says wifi configure doesn't work. I tried this on a different phone and it also doesn't work
  16. Zhikes Tynine

    File Malware Scanner (W.I.P)

    Check out this macro that will scan your downloaded file over the internet for a malware. Link 🔗 : What are your thoughts?
  17. Zhikes Tynine

    If clause variable constraints failed

    what does this mean?
  18. Zhikes Tynine

    Magic text [clipboard]

    Hi, I tried to use this magic text to a variable and it returns <empty> I also used this to other things like an http request like[clipboard] but when it opens the browser it only redirect me to the channel not the message I want to see btw that link is just a...
  19. Zhikes Tynine

    Notification button

    how to disable this? It shows even I deleted the macro where this trigger belongs
  20. Zhikes Tynine

    Ui interaction

    so the ' ui interaction - click - identify in app ' isn't working, after I click the notification it says now touch the ui, and after I touch some nothing happens it doesn't redirect me to the app and if I check out the macro nothing add up. is this happening to you guys? BTW I reported it...