alarm check or constraint


Well-known member
Hi all,

for a macro I track when screen gets on/off by user
however when a alarm rings it counts as a screen on and then off trigger ! which is correct technically but not what I want
so, I would like to know if there is a constraint or a check if an alarm is ringing, because I haven't found one myself (else request this feature)


Well-known member
Hi all,

for a macro I track when screen gets on/off by user
however when a alarm rings it counts as a screen on and then off trigger ! which is correct technically but not what I want
so, I would like to know if there is a constraint or a check if an alarm is ringing, because I haven't found one myself (else request this feature)
If your alarm app sends a specific notification while ringing you could use this constraint.


Well-known member
actually it's worse, it's not only the alarm that is messing but many notifications that turn screen on for a few seconds

so I found another solution

device unlocked trigger is now the equivalent for a screen on by user
and I also keep a screen state boolean variable which is set to true only by screen unlock and when there is a screen off trigger I check also that this state variable is true and then set it to false

thanks to all who replied !