Automating WhatsApp with Macro


New member
Is it possible to automate WhatsApp with Macro such that when you receive a new message from new contact on WhatsApp. You can set automated message on MacroDroid that'll automatically reply the new contact? Possible?


Well-known member
I think the name of the contact appears in notification's title. Its number if you don't have it saved as contact.
You could use set string variable action to save notification's title and notification received trigger.
You could be checking if this variable contains number instead contact name (there are few ways to implement this) and then perform actions for numbers (not saved contacts) or dont perform them (for contacts).
To send the message you would use either notification interaction(if notification allows it) or launch app action and fill the clipboard + ui interactions (paste and all needed clicks).
It might be a little bit complex to achieve if you are not too familiar with macrodroid yet but I think it could be done.

You can check this thread, I was helping here with automating actions when message from chosen contact from whatsapp sends message. It might help you get the general idea of how it would work.

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