Why??Please write in English.
If it is not in English, it means private.
Why??Please write in English.
If it's private don't write it on a public forum!Why??
If it is not in English, it means private.
In addition to @Endercraft's explanations (which are quite correct) this forum is public so you can't send private messages (except via the envelope icon at the top of the screen) as @Jacob L stated.Why??
If it is not in English, it means private.
Yeah, it makes sense.If it's private don't write it on a public forum!
Thank you for your thorough explaination.The only thing that does is making readers either having to spend time translating what you wrote, or just ignore it, and moderators need to check anyway to make sure it's not offensive or anything.
NopeWhat about your mobile internet (data)?. Does that have reliable internet?
What about using GPS?If you don't use the internet, you can't use the webhook method - the only way is to use a Bluetooth device.