Communication between two macrodroid devices


Well-known member
Is there any smart way to communicate between two phones with macrodroid (both with mobile data enabled) other than sending messages/emails?
I recently bought used Samsung M51 (cause of that 7000mah battery) that will be supposed to run some tasks throughout the days.
Right now I did set up some simple macros with SMS received triggers to remotly start some of these tasks but I wonder if there is more efficient way to achieve this. Especially that I'd like to be changing some boolean variables on my main phone (S23Ultra) that activate/desactivate some actions in other phone's macros. Being able to easily check how some of these variables are set would be handy.


Could use webhooks maybe? I use webhooks and Sequematics to control a smart device at home remotely using MD.


Well-known member
Could use webhooks maybe? I use webhooks and Sequematics to control a smart device at home remotely using MD.

Its been a while but now that I understood it (maybe not completely yet) and got almost everything to work based on that, wanted to thank You. 😄
Thats what I needed