Google rejected my request to get all file access.

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
This may seem far fetched but have you tried writing to your MP? They are constantly wanting votes so I think it's a good idea, it will stir up some trouble and maybe you'll get your way with the permissions.


Well-known member
I use one map app called It's fairly good app and I like it however the app serves ads as visible points of interest on the map and it even writes "Ad" if you click on the point and see details. The problem was that even thought the app served apps that fact wasn't written in the playstore under the app name as it always is the case with apps that serve ads including MacroDroid. So I wrote to the developer, which btw aren't any indie developers as Jamie is, but it's a company with much more service and I asked them why they don't have marked the fact their app includes ads. I got a response in czech. This is just translated.

Google will have all the attributes for the app refreshed from time to time. Regarding ads, we put it in there the last time we called, about a year ago, so it's entered, no in-app purchases are there, so there's nothing there.

How google marks it in the final is then its business, we have no way to interfere with that.

It wasn't even on month and the app got marked as including ads after years of not having it even though the ads were there.

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
I use one map app called It's fairly good app and I like it however the app serves ads as visible points of interest on the map and it even writes "Ad" if you click on the point and see details. The problem was that even thought the app served apps that fact wasn't written in the playstore under the app name as it always is the case with apps that serve ads including MacroDroid. So I wrote to the developer, which btw aren't any indie developers as Jamie is, but it's a company with much more service and I asked them why they don't have marked the fact their app includes ads. I got a response in czech. This is just translated.

It wasn't even on month and the app got marked as including ads after years of not having it even though the ads were there.
we have no way to interfere with that. They do, they can declare the ads. Also people use OSMond for maps+navigation, some prefer magic earth


That scatters MacroDroid into 3 different apps. Even better than 2! We can already use MacroDroid Helper to handle this problem as it does now. The only thing this would solve is that the plugin could be on Play Store and wouldn't need to be sideloaded.
I can actually see his point. If the only purpose of that extension were file handling, Google wouldn't be able to refuse it the full files permission. Then if MD used it for all file operations, and both were available in Google Play Store, problem solved and in an official way.


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
I can actually see his point. If the only purpose of that extension were file handling, Google wouldn't be able to refuse it the full files permission. Then if MD used it for all file operations, and both were available in Google Play Store, problem solved and in an official way.
The problem here is not the way it is done, but the fact that you need 3 whole apps (and MacroDroidDev has to handle 3 apps even if helper is not updated a lot, in fact I have never seen an update to it since I first installed MacroDroid). He will probably end up putting all files access into the helper.


The problem here is not the way it is done, but the fact that you need 3 whole apps (and MacroDroidDev has to handle 3 apps even if helper is not updated a lot, in fact I have never seen an update to it since I first installed MacroDroid). He will probably end up putting all files access into the helper.
And for how long will they let him use that unofficial workaround?


Well-known member
both were available in Google Play Store
In fact MD helper is not only useful for file handling, but a lot of other things like changing system settings or executing shell commands. Even if it whould have been granted with all fiels permission it would be forced to target SDK 31 and would lost on a lot of it's capabilities that it has thanks to targeting SDK 21.


That's why, in my opinion, MD helper should be kept as it is (at least while Google keeps turning a blind eye to it) and the files extension the other user proposed should ask Google for full file permissions, put on Play Store and MD use it for all file handling.


I have appealed via the Google Play appeal process once more, so I await a further rejection from that. It seems clear to me that Google's arbitrary policy enforcement is detrimental to app developers and can favour one app over another. The fact that both Tasker and Automate have been granted this permission and MacroDroid has not is clear evidence of this. If I don't get any satisfaction from Google I hope to start making noise on whatever Android/tech sites I can to highlight this injustice.
So why do you not complain about that ? If tasker and automate got the permission and not you when they are literally the same type of app as yours, you can complain about it !
Show them that this is unfair, and if you can, get the developers of these apps to say it to Google's face !
There is absolutely no reason for them to get it and not you, since it's not a "core feature" for them either ! And if they find a single thing that could eventually make them in the right of Google's policy, you just need to also implement the thing in your app so it can fit to Google's policy as well !
You've got to show them why there is a flaw in their policy and why there is injustice where there should not be. Show them that their logic isn't logic at all ! They need to see their own stupidity, we are a whole community on your back to support you against this injustice!


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
So why do you not complain about that ? If tasker and automate got the permission and not you when they are literally the same type of app as yours, you can complain about it !
Show them that this is unfair, and if you can, get the developers of these apps to say it to Google's face !
There is absolutely no reason for them to get it and not you, since it's not a "core feature" for them either ! And if they find a single thing that could eventually make them in the right of Google's policy, you just need to also implement the thing in your app so it can fit to Google's policy as well !
You've got to show them why there is a flaw in their policy and why there is injustice where there should not be. Show them that their logic isn't logic at all ! They need to see their own stupidity, we are a whole community on your back to support you against this injustice!
Well I hope he already did but unfortunately Google just doesn't care...


Staff member
@Golem64 Do you seriously believe I haven't tried to complain and raise the injustice of it?

I have appealed multiple times and tried all sorts of angles to this. The reality of the situation is that any appeal that gets through the bots most likely goes to a low paid low skilled worker who follows a check list. As part of this process what has been granted to other apps is completely disregarded.

Here is the catch all statement they return:

Please keep in mind that any perceived compliance or non-compliance of other developers’ apps has no bearing on the compliance of your own apps. If you'd like to report an app that you believe is a violation of the developer terms, you can flag it as an inappropriate app on the Google Play app or through this contact form.

Unless you are well connected to someone in Google there is no other route where you can get someone with a brain to see that two apps are equivalent and it makes no sense to grant one the permission and deny the other.

Every time I submit an update to try and get this permission it takes an age to review and then later when I give up again MacroDroid seems to get flagged somehow so even straightforward updates take an age to review afterwards. It totally screws with my normal release intervals.

Developing on Android and releasing on Google Play over the last few years has turned into an utter nightmare and I spend far too much time just trying to keep the app working and dealing with complaints when some feature breaks (due to new Android restrictions or some new policy). I have to admit that dealing with this issue was put on the back burner because I just ran out of mental capacity to deal with it and I had plenty of other fires to fight. I will re-evaluate sometime in the new year.
@Golem64 Credi seriamente che non abbia cercato di lamentarmi e di sollevare l'ingiustizia di ciò?

Ho fatto appello più volte e ho provato tutti i tipi di angoli a questo. La realtà della situazione è che qualsiasi appello che passa attraverso i robot molto probabilmente va a un lavoratore poco qualificato poco retribuito che segue una lista di controllo. Nell'ambito di questo processo ciò che è stato concesso ad altre app viene completamente ignorato.

Ecco la cattura dichiarazione all che restituiscono:

Tieni presente che qualsiasi conformità o non percepita delle app di altri sviluppatori non ha alcuna influenza sulla conformità delle tue app. Se desideri segnalare un'app che ritieni una violazione dei termini per gli sviluppatori, puoi contrassegnarla come app inappropriata nell'app Google Play o tramite questo modulo di contatto .

A meno che tu non sia ben collegato a qualcuno in Google, non esiste altra strada in cui puoi convincere qualcuno con un cervello a vedere che due app sono equivalenti e non ha senso concedere a una l'autorizzazione e negare all'altra.

Ogni volta che invio un aggiornamento per cercare di ottenere questa autorizzazione, ci vuole un'età per la revisione e poi, quando mi arrendo di nuovo, MacroDroid sembra essere contrassegnato in qualche modo, quindi anche gli aggiornamenti semplici richiedono un'età per essere esaminati in seguito. Si rovina totalmente con i miei normali intervalli di rilascio.

Lo sviluppo su Android e il rilascio su Google Play negli ultimi anni si è trasformato in un vero incubo e passo troppo tempo solo cercando di far funzionare l'app e gestendo i reclami quando alcune funzionalità si interrompono (a causa di nuove restrizioni di Android o di alcune nuove politiche). Devo ammettere che affrontare questo problema è stato messo nel dimenticatoio perché avevo appena esaurito la capacità mentale di affrontarlo e avevo molti altri fuochi da combattere. Valuterò nuovamente nel nuovo anno.
A meno che tu non sia ben collegato a qualcuno in Google, non esiste altra strada in cui puoi convincere qualcuno con un cervello a vedere che due app sono equivalenti e non ha senso concedere a una l'autorizzazione e negare all'altra.

questa disparita' di trattamento e' vergognosa ribelliamoci tutti insieme inviamo a google tutti lo stesso messaggio , sicuramente alla fine ci ascolteranno , chissa' che accordi avranno preso con ifttt e tasker sicuramente i loro soldi.... limitare un cliente scomodo come macrodroid che guarda solo al progresso e' un vero peccato.
eppure l'intelligenza dell'uomo dovrebbe trovare una soluzione a tutto intendendo quella dello sviluppatore di macrodroid superare le barriere imposte, penso che nulla sia impossibile anche se le strade per realizzare potrebbero essere molto piu' contorte, lasciamo perdere l'intelligenza dei signori di google che dovrebbe sapere ascoltare..... non aggiungiamo altri commenti non sarebbero assolutamente positivi
dobbiamo ribellarci remargli contro pero' cominciamo ad adottare una linea comune non disperdiamo le nostre energie
Siamo vittime di una serie di ingiustizie!!!
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Allora perché non ti lamenti di questo? Se tasker e automatizzate hanno ottenuto l'autorizzazione e non tu quando sono letteralmente lo stesso tipo di app della tua, puoi lamentartene!
Mostra loro che questo è ingiusto e, se puoi, chiedi agli sviluppatori di queste app di dirlo in faccia a Google!
Non c'è assolutamente alcun motivo per loro di ottenerlo e non per te, dal momento che non è nemmeno una "caratteristica fondamentale" per loro! E se trovano una sola cosa che alla fine potrebbe renderli nel diritto della politica di Google, devi solo implementare anche la cosa nella tua app in modo che possa adattarsi anche alla politica di Google!
Devi mostrare loro perché c'è un difetto nella loro politica e perché c'è ingiustizia dove non dovrebbe esserci. Mostra loro che la loro logica non è affatto logica! Devono vedere la propria stupidità, siamo un'intera comunità sulle tue spalle per sostenerti contro questa ingiustizia!
bisogna lamentarsi per benino e metterli in difficolta' sull'evidenza dei fatti ci saremo noi ad aiutarvi, dobbiamo fare fronte comune tutti
insieme altrimenti vedremo premiare le app concorrenti cosa che non deve avvenire, siamo noi che dobbiamo pesare di piu'
Unless you're well connected to someone at Google, there's no other avenue you can get someone with a brain to see that two apps are equivalent, and there's no point in allowing one and denying the other.

this unequal treatment is shameful let's all rebel together let's send google all the same message, surely in the end they will listen to us, who knows what agreements they will have made with ifttt and tasker their money will surely limit an uncomfortable customer like macrodroid who just look at the progress it's a real shame.
yet man's intelligence should find a solution to everything meaning that of the macrodroid developer overcome the imposed barriers, I think that nothing is impossible even if the ways to achieve could be much more convoluted, let's forget the intelligence of the lords of google who should know how to listen..... let's not add any more comments they would not be absolutely positive
we must rebel against him but let's begin to adopt a common line let's not disperse our energies
We are victims of a series of injustices!!!
Unless you are well connected to someone in google hopefully there is absolutely no need for it progress cannot be hindered if unfortunately there are no friends and acquaintances in google we need to turn things around
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Moderator (& bug finder :D)
A meno che tu non sia ben collegato a qualcuno in Google , speriamo che non c'e' ne sia assolutamente bisogno il progresso non puo' essere ostacolato se per disgrazia non ci sono amicizie e conoscenze in google dobbiamo far cambiare il corso delle cose
Please write in English.


I recently installed (and quickly uninstalled) an e-book management and reading app, Librera. Very first thing app does upon first running is to ask for all file access; and it won't budge until one grants it or kills the app – refusing the request just brings it back on.

Two things. First, Google consents all file access to an app which really doesn't need it – media only should suffice here – but not to MD, which couldn't need it more. Second, the app's nerve in refusing to do anything at all should the user say no to its demands.


I recently installed (and quickly uninstalled) an e-book management and reading app, Librera. Very first thing app does upon first running is to ask for all file access; and it won't budge until one grants it or kills the app – refusing the request just brings it back on.

Two things. First, Google consents all file access to an app which really doesn't need it – media only should suffice here – but not to MD, which couldn't need it more. Second, the app's nerve in refusing to do anything at all should the user say no to its demands.
Epub and other types of ebooks file are not considered media files by Android, so it do need all files access


So how come MD manages with only the media permission and is even able to read from and write to any file type, including .epub files?


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
So how come MD manages with only the media permission and is even able to read from and write to any file type, including .epub files?
I think it simply means it uses this permission to be able to select a file/folder from some explorer. All file access permission makes it so that choosing a file is not needed at all, this would be great for really any macro messing with files.