Group multiple Actions


New member
- Group multiple Actions marked by User, move, copy, cut and paste the marked Actions to another Place.

- Show Numbers at front of any Action

- Compile your Macro to a standalone running App.

- MacroDroid alerts the User if UI-Interactions don't work anymore and opens Accessibility-Options to turn it on again. If it is not working with that User-interaction, macrodroid recommends to Restart your Device.


Well-known member
The first request, concerning about editor, I need your breakdown how you mean "by user." By Editing actions like move, copy and cut are understandable.
I think floating toolbox is useful and reasonable to implement. Reorder function tends to be far away.
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Active member
You can (sort of) group (and copy/paste/delete) actions by (temporarily) placing them in an (disabled/always true) if clause, i do this often to copy multiple actions.


Well-known member
The first request, concerning about editor, I need breakdown how you mean "by user. By Editing actions like move, copy and cut are understandable.
I think floating toolbox is useful and reasonable to implement. Reorder function tends to be far away.
Yes, as @420 said, place an 'If... Endif' or a 'Do/While...' statement surrounding the group of action you want to copy or move (a 'move' will a 'copy/paste' then erase the original group.

If you need to test or modify these actions prior moving them, set an always true condition for the loop, such as 'Battery level greater than 0%'...

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
You can use repeat actions and fix number so there's less clicks than setting a loop of always true