[HELP?] I absolutely DON'T want to miss these notifications

Flat Mike

New member
So there's this Instagram account and I want to be notified literally the second they post something. Like really no chance at all of me missing anything. I don't care if I hear airhorns or if my phone vibrates strongly for 3 minutes.

I made the macro attached but that's as far as I get. As I'm still a Macrodroid n00b, I'm sure there's much room for improvement.

Any advice is much appreciated, thanks in advance!



Well-known member
You could try a loop. For exemple:
1. Repeat actions (fixed number - 10times):
2. Screen on
3. Torch on
4. Wait before next action - 1s
5. Cancel macro actions - this macro (click this action to add constraint only to this action and add constraint - device unlocked)
6. Torch off
7. Screen off - add constraint to this action as well - device locked. These constraints are to prevent from turning screen off when you already unlocked the device but macro is still runing.
8. Wait before next actions - 1s
9. End of loop
Constraints: Device locked

It will turn your torch and screen 10 times (I assume most people don't leave their phones with screen turning down but I saw some iphones users do :unsure:)
You could even put in between somewhere there play sound action (something short).
Important: Loop will run 10 times and during this time you might be unable to unlock the device (unless you have it locked with the method that will allow to do it quickly - fingerprint or with your face. I didn't prepare it for usage but its more to show the idea and get you more into macrodroid's world