I need help making volume go up when the day is saturday or sunday but during monday to friday, volume goes back to zero automatically


Active member
I am new to macrodroid so I am not sure how to make a macro for this
You need 2 day/time triggers.
1 for Saturday/Sunday and another for the rest of the days.

And two volume change actions, 1 to increase the volume and 1 other to lower it.

Now you need to set it to raise or lower the volume depending on the day of the week.

For this add "trigger fired" restriction to the actions. (Note that without restrictions, when either trigger is fired, both actions will be executed)
Restriction: if trigger fired is Saturday/Sunday to raise the volume
Restriction: if the trigger fired is Monday to Friday to lower the volume.

If you have any problem doing it yourself, please tell me 😉
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New member
You need 2 day/time triggers.
1 for Saturday/Sunday and another for the rest of the days.

And two volume change actions, 1 to increase the volume and 1 other to lower it.

Now you need to set it to raise or lower the volume depending on the day of the week.

For this add "trigger fired" restriction to the actions. (Note that without restrictions, when either trigger is fired, both actions will be executed)
Restriction: if trigger fired is Saturday/Sunday to raise the volume
Restriction: if the trigger fired is Monday to Friday to lower the volume.

If you have any problem doing it yourself, please tell me 😉
Wait can you show me picture of all the script I try copy it thanks


Active member

Heres the macro. Open it with macrodroid.
I set it to Wednesday to friday. Please change it to monday.
Sorry i did it in a hurry 😅