poll multiple Wyze contacts and notify status to Macrodroid


New member
I'm a newbie to Macrodroid.
I currently run a Wyze rule that turns on a Wyze color bulb to red, if the garage door contact is open. It turns the bulb off if the garage door is closed. The garage door is also not visible from inside my house. The problem I encounter too often is Wyze AWS servers flake out or for some unknown reason, the contact looses it's connection to the hub, so the rules won't run correctly all the time. I think Macrodroid will solve this problem.

The reason I need this is because on occasion, the bulb is off - leaving me to believe the door is closed, when it is actually open. Therefore, I have left the garage door open overnight several times.

After discovering Marodroid, I would like to get a notification when all house doors are closed. I would really appreciate help to get started om the steps to do the following:
1. Poll 5 different Wyze Entry Sensors V2 (door contacts)
2. If any door contact is open, turn on Wyze color bulb to red.
3. If all door contacts are closed, turn off color bulb.
4. Run this "door check" macro every day at 10 p.m. and have phone say if all are closed or a contact is open.

Pre-thanks to anyone that can use their experience to help me. -Pete