Save system/user log to a file


I couldn't find a way to save the system log to a file. This would be handy in some cases.

I know it's possible to send the system log via email, but I would like to just save the log in the phone storage. Preferably the file name could be modified to contain the current date and time.


Thanks, but doesn't work for me. The source file (MacroDroidLog.txt) for the shell script doesn't exist in my device. I think the source file your shell script is trying to copy, is the file that would be created when the system log is manually shared from the app. So, if it exists it wouldn't be up to date unless it was manually shared recently.

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
Oh that seems to be right. Maybe see if autoshare plugin can intercept the intent so you can use send intent action before running the shell script to bring the logs to SD.


New member
There is definitely a need for the System Log and the User Log to be saved as a file on the device.
This would enable detailed analysis to be performed, when looking for a bug in a macro.
Analysing a log is difficult when the log is being updated by running macros.