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Version 5.45 (June 2024)

Added Photo Taken trigger (Android 7+).

Added Get Installed Apps action.

Added Get Contacts action.

Added Edge Notification Light action.

Added Launch App Activity action.

Added support for favourite triggers, actions and constraints. Long press on the + button on the edit macro screen to display quick tiles for your favourite items.

Updated Animation Overlay action to add support for running macros/action block when clicking on the animation.

Updated HTTP Request action to support capturing returned header parameters into a dictionary variable.

Updated Force Location Update action to allow it to block next action and save location data into a dictionary variable.

Updated Display Notification action to support ids, so a new notification will overwrite an existing one with the same id.

Updated Open File action to support loading from a local file uri (Can be obtained via List Files option in File Operation action).

Added support for marking variables as secure, so the contents of the variables will not be exported when sharing/uploading a template.

Added support for custom images in Display Notification action and MacroDroid persistent notification.

Added new option to Block Screen Touches action to block status bar (requires accessibility service to be enabled).

Added magic text option to display stopwatches with seconds value (hh:mm).

Added magic text option to display the trigger that fired.

Reworked action block edit screen to be much faster for very large action blocks and added support for sticky Actions header.

Tweaks to App Launched Trigger to fix some issues around detecting MacroDroid launches/closes and Google app launches/closes.

Tweaked Set Variable action so it allows multiline entry for String variables.

Added Notification Channel magic text when using the Notification trigger (Android 8+).

Fixed issue where Floating Text action would sometimes not get shown the first time the action is run (typically on slower/older devices).

Fixed issue where Floating Text action would not export any associated action block when sharing or uploading to the template store.

Fixed issue where dismissing a Bubble Notification could cause MacroDroid to be launched in the foreground.

Fixed issue where Authenticate User action would work unreliably on some Android 14 devices.


Staff member

Fixed issue where day/time trigger could stop working.
Fixed issue where html was not being escaped correctly in user log meaning certain characters caused display problems.
Fixed issue where IF/ ENDIF would appear in favourite items (and some items were missing).
Fixed issue where floating button would not retain it's previous location.
Several other small fixes and tweaks.

Arm64 APK should work for most modern devices:

The universal APK is a larger download but should work on all devices.


Staff member

Fixed issue where Day/Time trigger would not work correctly.
Fixed issue where file operation block until complete option could cause weird issues when used in a loop.
Fixed issue where file operation list file option would not work correctly with file pattern.
Added secure option to create new variable.
Other minor fixes.

Arm64 APK should work for most modern devices:

The universal APK is a larger download but should work on all devices.


Staff member

Fixed issue where floating text hide all option would not work.
Fixed issue where read screen contents would not work when block screen touches action was used with full screen option.
Fixed issue where categories would not handle language change correctly in some situations.
Fixed issue where clear MacroDroid dialogs action would not clear the Set Variable action's user prompt.
Other minor fixes.

Arm64 APK should work for most modern devices:

The universal APK is a larger download but should work on all devices.


Staff member

Added magic text for photo Uri when using Photo Taken Trigger
Fixed issue where option dialog would select wrong macro to run
Fixed issue where block screen touches would prevent screen reading/clicking to function.
Other minor fixes.

Arm64 APK should work for most modern devices:

The universal APK is a larger download but should work on all devices.


Staff member
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