Accessibility - MacroDroid - "service is mulfunctioning" (fixed now)


Moto g30, Android 11
Accessibility - MacroDroid - "... service is mulfunctioning" (see attachments)
Already checked - Lenovo
No problem on other devices - Samsung Tab A and Samsung J6


  • Screenshot_20220114-113824-926.png
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You should be able to just toggle the accessibility service off and on again. I have seen this happen very occasionally (no idea what causes it) and this always solved it for me.
Thanks for the tip. Managed to fix it. A little different, but now everything is fine. Disable service -> Restart the phone -> Enable service.


New member
I have this problem about every two weeks with Android 12. I didn't have these problems with the demo. Maybe the reinstallation of Macrodroid caused the problem. Currently I've only solved it temporarily by disabling and re-enabling the settings, which is a lot of work with multiple rights, or restarting the phone. I'll try stopping and starting the Macrodroid app (if that's what was meant by service) next time.
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New member
I also often have this problem. Tho less than every 2 weeks. Weirdly enough, whenever I have the problem it tends to return a few times within days and then stop for a while again. I have the setting on to keep the services running but all this does is enable it again when I manually disable it.