Bluetooth SmartWatch


Active member
Hello to all the Macrodroid community.

I come to ask you for help in order to be able to intercept the communication between my bluetooth watch and my Android device, let me explain.

I have an option to make my phone ring when it is lost, but when the phone is on vibrate the system for the watch just vibrates the phone and I would like to make a macro to play a sound when I trigger from the show.

How intercepted watch service

Bonjour a toutes la communauté Macrodroid.

Je viens vous demander de l'aide afin de pouvoir intercepté la communication entre ma montre en bluetooth et mon appareil Android, je m'explique.
J'ai une option pour faire sonner mon téléphone quand il es perdu, mais quand le téléphone est sur vibreur le système pour de la montre fait juste vibrer le téléphone est j'aimerais faire une macro pour faire jouer un son quand je déclenche depuis la montre.
Comment intercepté le service de la montre


Staff member
Sorry but it's not clear what you mean by intercept the watch service in this context. How exactly do you want the macro to be triggered on your phone?


Active member
on my watch I have a "search" button which allows the phone to ring as if it were lost but if the phone is in vibrate mode it will not give is I would like to intercept to activate the volume is to make the phone ring


Well-known member
on my watch I have a "search" button which allows the phone to ring as if it were lost but if the phone is in vibrate mode it will not give is I would like to intercept to activate the volume is to make the phone ring
I have a Garmin smart watch. This has the same feature except the phone will ring very loudly irrespective of the vibrate/mute/DND settings.
On your smart watch or it's companion app any settings related to this feature?


Active member
no, no functionality related to this parameter. the watch and phone link app is called "H BAND". How to sniff bluetooth communications?


Well-known member
There is the Bluetooth HCI snoop log option in developer options....when enabled it logs the Bluetooth traffic.
I'm not sure that the log is available while the option is enabled ie real time Bluetooth data may not be available.
It might be worth looking into this option....I found it by a Google search.


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
There is the Bluetooth HCI snoop log option in developer options....when enabled it logs the Bluetooth traffic.
I'm not sure that the log is available while the option is enabled ie real time Bluetooth data may not be available.
It might be worth looking into this option....I found it by a Google search.
I saw this option too, I'm not sure where to get the logs. I didn't search about it.


Active member
yes I also saw this option in the developer mode, but I did not know where to find this log file afterwards, I hope for further help from the forum.


Well-known member
What is probably possible is to have the smartphone take some action when disconnected by a Bluetooth event.
The watch side cannot do anything since it is disconnected.


Active member
yes, if watch bluetooth disconnected then played sound but my purpose is not so disconnected. My goal is if I no longer know where it is placed then I activate the sound to listen to where it is placed. In fact I would have to intercept the order of the watch to have my objective


Well-known member
Most smartwatches vibrate when they receive notifications; I believe it is possible to set up MacroDroid notifications to vibrate the smartwatch whenever you want.


Active member
no, I'll try to be more specific. If I put my phone somewhere but I don't know where it is, I press the button on the watch so that it gives and makes sound, the problem is that when the phone is in vibrate mode, you hear no sound, so I would like that when I press the special "find phone" button on the watch that macrodroid rings the phone to hear and find it. For this I have to intercept the command between the watch and the phone to configure macrodroid. I hope my English is good because I am French and I use Google translate


Well-known member
I don't believe that all communications between smartphones and smartwatches are transmitted in a human-readable form, so I would assume that there is some sort of encryption.
If the contents of the communication could be easily intercepted and decoded, privacy would be down the tubes, so I think it's unlikely that what you want could be done easily.


New member
Try this?
Trigger: Bluetooth Disconnected (Watch)
Action: Set Volume (Max) / Play sound (select ringtone) / Flash / Vibrate
Constant: Device unlocked
That way, if you're disconnecting your watch, just have your device unlocked so it doesn't play.
If you actually misplaced it, it'll just go ahead and trigger the actions.


Active member
the problem does not come from the possibility of creating a macro but from the watch. The watch that connects via the "H BAND" application is not displayed in the bluetooth settings of the phone, I contacted the "Blackview" brand which, as with all problems, preferred to send you ads to buy on for find a solution


Active member
This is not a support for your band... This is support for Macrodroid the app.
yes I know, as you can see in old messages I asked to retrieve the state of an application (service or script) via macrodroid to trigger sounds on bluetooth disconnection


New member
If your device isn't recognizing that the device is connected via Bluetooth, Macrodroid will not see it.
What shows when you press the Bluetooth menu in your settings? Does the device at least show up there? If it does, you may have to manually press the device itself and hit connect. My wear os does this time to time where I have to manually press "connect" after a reboot.


Active member
no my device does not even see the device, only "H BANB" if I reset the watch the phone sees bluetooth but cannot connect. To put it simply, it's as if the Hband application does not send the information to the phone of its connection with the watch, but the watch application knows very well that it is connected so I wanted to sniff the bluetooth information or of the application to know its connection status