Can I detect when an unpaired Bluetooth device is available?


My wife has a bluetooth headset. It is NOT paired to my phone. It has no power on indicator light so I would like a macro to be able to detect when the headset is powered on. I see no triggers or sensors to work with this. I do NOT want to pair it to my phone.

I did research something about a "Bluetooth Beacon" but can't find it in the app. Was that a failed experiment or something Android made non-workable?


Yes, thank you. At least you verified to me there is such a thing but I'm sleep deprived this morning and can't find it.

I see Connectivity -> Bluetooth Event which has choices of BT en\disabled and Device Dis\connected but that doesn't seem to be it.

Could you be a bit more specific?



Moderator (& bug finder :D)
Bluetooth beacons aren't the same as Bluetooth devices though so you won't be able to use that. My guess would be logcat trigger or some shell script that tells available devices.


Oh drat. Thanks for the advanced warning so I don't think I'm doing something wrong although BT devices do have to broadcast something, sometimes so maybe??? I'll experiment but thanks for the heads up.