Feasibility of writing a statement downloader and printer


New member
Can someone tell me if this is feasible using Macrodroid. I just want to know if you think it's feasible, I can explore how to do it later.

I need to schedule a job that runs once a month. The job will do the following.1
1. Check a bank's website to see if there is a new statement.
2. Download that statement to Google drive.
3. Print the statement to a printer.

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
Can someone tell me if this is feasible using Macrodroid. I just want to know if you think it's feasible, I can explore how to do it later.

I need to schedule a job that runs once a month. The job will do the following.1
1. Check a bank's website to see if there is a new statement.
2. Download that statement to Google drive.
3. Print the statement to a printer.
Using UI interaction action it is possible potentially but may be flaky


Staff member
Personally I wouldn't recommend using any app to access your bank account in this way. It would be unwise to expose banking credentials to any app in this way. While it may be technically possible using a series of UI Interaction actions I think it would be very unwise to do it.