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  • Hi
    I was in the wiki for the first time. While looking at the Magic text page I saw a couple small grammatical/logical errors and thought I'd try to fix them. But I don't have editor rights and there wasn't a "discussion" page behind it.

    Can I join the editor group? Any other way to send in suggestions?
    Termux: strips last 7 in chmod 777 . when I press enter
    Me who can't access the shell anymore (and can't restore it since I don't have access to chmod anymore) because I removed my own permissions: 🤦
    Fixed by using /system/bin/chmod
    I just had an idea. Termux might not be needed to use local ADB after all.
    Nevermind, I just remembered the helper is a thing.
    Jacob L
    Jacob L
    You just use shell script action to run ADB commands. You can either use Shizuku, root or the helper
    I tried using the helper only (no external apps), but got stuck. Can you try and do it?
    Could you please try downloading the companion macro from https://macrodroid-wc.web.app/ in spare time? I have an issue on my side that if I try to download it on my phone in chromium based browser it downloads it as webpage and on firefox it straight up replaces the extension with html extension for whatever reason. Does the same thing happen to you?
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    Reactions: Endercraft
    Try with this instead:
    <a class="external-link" href="https://macrodroid-wc.web.app/assets/companion-CYoevsDz.macro" target="_blank" download="companion.macro">
    That makes it download correctly for me.
    I think the issue is with the target attribute which shouldn't be present in this case. I am a fool I didn't notice. I will fix it soon. Thanks for confirming.
    Arrgghh! It still doesn't work! I swear it did work at one point. I also tried your solution, however that still doesn't help on my phone. I think the problem is with the non-standard file extension that the browser has problem with,
    I thought Android 14 came with HyperOS... Oh well.
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    Reactions: tanut2525
    almost, i like xiaomi, they are making quality products. one of my first mobile phones where from them imported. now the price is similar to other products.
    V got 14
    Hello friend,
    I want to read dynamic text in app. Read screen action is only reading static text please help me.
    Please make a new thread in the Help and Troubleshooting forum.
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    Josué García
    Josué García
    Great 😃, we know what the surprise icon will be!

    Although I would have liked to know until it's the right time to show it, now I'll get to December and just look at the update with this expression "they ruined my surprise 😑".
    I never saw this icon though so I wonder if it'll be used.
    I can hide it in a spoiler..
    I have spent 15 minutes figuring out why my javascript code didn't update to the last save when reloading the website before realising it was loading from the cache. It's 1am right now.
    As Jamie once said, arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Yeah, this is frustrating and did happen to me many times. You are using a live server to see your changes, or just opened the html file in your browser? You can always try to clear all cookies, or hold shift and click reload for hard reload. I remember sometimes I couldn't get rid of the cache at all.
    I used a file but switched to a server after using cookies because they didn't seem to work with files.
    It seems the next MacroDroid version comes with a limited time free version ?

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