Http POST - Telegram Notification


New member
Please, how can I create a macro that records a Telegram message in a variable and sends it to an http post link? Could you detail me how to do it?


Active member
concerning the first part: i would do it with ui interactions till you copy it on your clipboard and then write your clipboard in a string variable.

about the second part: i need to think about, but first i go to bed. i don't know how much time i will have tomorrow, maybe someone else has more experience, i will need to test the possibilities aswell.


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
Read screen contents could work. Use the action one time on the screen, identify the corresponding key.
You can then use the HTTP Request action with POST and in the request body use that dictionary entry.


New member
Thanks for answering.

I have one with Python, but it doesn't work.

Can you recommend me any? The idea would be to automate publications of some API in group of telegram