Any way to switches the data connection from 4G to 3G automatically?


New member
Hi. Is it possible to create a macro that automatically switches the data connection between 4G to 3G and viceversa when it detects that there is no internet?

Where I live we have problems with signal, it varies randomly between 4G/3G/2G. Unfortunately my phone (motorola One fusion xt2073-2 Android 10 rooted) doesn't switch the data connection automatically (it doesn't have that option). Often while working I forget to check if I'm connected and it's quite annoying.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks for reading.


Well-known member
I've used UI integration to change from 5G to 4G, as I couldn't find a system setting that would change it.

That's probably an option on your phone - a UI integration based macro to change from 4G to 3G - then add a trigger for loss of internet.
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