Automate/control PC/Laptop from MD


Active member
Sorry this is not really about MD itself, i was wondering if there is a way to send commands and execute things on my (windows 10) laptop?

For example, when i leave my home MD let's my laptop know and it pauses the audio/video (if it is playing) and turns the screen off or atleast dims it to the minimum.

Would something like this and/or other similar things be possible?


Staff member
MacroDroid can make HTTP Get requests so if you can somehow provide an interface to your PC that responds to HTTP Get requests then it should be do-able.

It might also be worth searching the Play Store for appropriate Tasker plugins in case there is something more suitable already available.
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I actually just found a way to do this the other day there is quite a steep learning curve though, atleast for me.. I still have not figured everything out by a long shot but i have some basic things working, like opening a webpage. Actually that (and opening the calculator, which is an example action that already came with the program) is the only thing i have working at the moment 😂, opening a youtube link or searching google for $ ($ being a variable value)..

If anyone is interested the program is called Push2Run:

I think what has led me to this program in the first place was AutoRemote (tasker plugin) which in turn led me to EventGhost, but i've already deleted both of these programs/apps.. They were not really working for me and i don't think i need them at this point.

There are multiple ways to use it, i personally use pushbullet and i also left ifttt and google home out completely. (I personally don't use google home/ifttt, and pushbullet can be used as plugin in MD so everything can be automated/controlled directly from MD)

Here is a reddit post that shows some of the programs possibilies, i'm sure there are many more that i have not yet discovered: