Block next actions until complete and fingerprint authentication with SecureTask


New member
I would like to create a macro where some actions are performed only after fingerprint authentication (unlocked device constraint is not enough).

SecureTask plugin works perfectly in tasker, it shows the fingerprint dialogue and all subsequent actions wait for the authentication. With the wrong fingerprint, the task is interrupted. If I try to use the plugin with Macrodroid, it shows the fingerprint dialogue, but even if I wait to authenticate or if the fingerprint is wrong, all the actions are performed anyway in the background, completely missing the security point.

I think it is because in Macrodroid by default, actions don't wait for the previous action to complete. In fact, some actions (such as the HTTP request web hooks) have the option "Block next actions until complete", and by default it is not ticked. Tasker is the opposite, any given action waits by default for the previous one to complete before performing, and you have to check the option "Continue task after error" if you want the task to continue after an action returns and error. I think it makes more sense.

What do you think? How can we use fingerprint authentication in MacroDroid?


Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
I would like to create a macro where some actions are performed only after fingerprint authentication (unlocked device constraint is not enough).

SecureTask plugin works perfectly in tasker, it shows the fingerprint dialogue and all subsequent actions wait for the authentication. With the wrong fingerprint, the task is interrupted. If I try to use the plugin with Macrodroid, it shows the fingerprint dialogue, but even if I wait to authenticate or if the fingerprint is wrong, all the actions are performed anyway in the background, completely missing the security point.

I think it is because in Macrodroid by default, actions don't wait for the previous action to complete. In fact, some actions (such as the HTTP request web hooks) have the option "Block next actions until complete", and by default it is not ticked. Tasker is the opposite, any given action waits by default for the previous one to complete before performing, and you have to check the option "Continue task after error" if you want the task to continue after an action returns and error. I think it makes more sense.

What do you think? How can we use fingerprint authentication in MacroDroid?

If the plugin sets a value to a variable you can use the wait until trJagger action before moving on


New member
If the plugin sets a value to a variable you can use the wait until trJagger action before moving on
I don't see any output variable set by the plugin unfortunately. Or am i missing something?

Also, I just realized tasker has a native action to request user authentication, both with credential or biometrics, without having to use an external plugin. How comes MacroDroid doesn't have such an action? I can't believe no one has ever raised this up.

Hopefully we can find a solution.
Thanks for your help


Staff member
As covered in the other thread, it's on the TODO list but its not top priority compared to many other pressing issues I'm afraid.


New member
As covered in the other thread, it's on the TODO list but its not top priority compared to many other pressing issues I'm afraid.
Thanks for replying. There are many requests for this on the forum, and if it's relatively easy to implement it might be worth to give it a shot. Especially because securetask is not compatible with MacroDroid, and the only option remaining is to go back to tasker and we don't really want that 😭



Well-known member
Thanks for replying. There are many requests for this on the forum, and if it's relatively easy to implement it might be worth to give it a shot. Especially because securetask is not compatible with MacroDroid, and the only option remaining is to go back to tasker and we don't really want that 😭

Have you tried autotools instead of securetask ?
It works without tasker
I am aware of it's a payed plugin but there's a free trial (it's fairly cheap so i have payed for it😉)


New member
Autotools seems to work as expected. There's an option to block next actions until complete, and it gives an output in case of wrong fingerprint to constraint subsequent actions.

But it's a payed plugin, and it's a very messy one, with old UI, thousands settings, confusing app, plugins, set up etc. That kind of mess I'm trying to replace with MacroDroid once and for all. If I have to use autotools as another app, then I would just keep using tasker, where fingerprint authorization is natively implemented.

Hopefully @MacroDroidDev will consider adding it soon.



Well-known member
Your right
But I already had it so it was just meant as an emergency solution until it becomes possible in MD