Can anybody help me set up this macro?


New member
I'm having some trouble getting a macro to work the way I want it to, I need some help...

When I first discovered MacroDroid I was really excited because it seemed simpler to use than other automation apps I've tried setting up, but I'm getting stuck in a loop now. I want to turn on wifi when I get home or to work, and turn off wifi when I leave home of work. I originally created 4 separate macros: one each to turn on wifi when I entered home or work geofence, and one each to turn off wifi when I left home or work geofence. That worked fine. I later realized after some "research" and experimenting, that I didn't need 4 separate macros, so I created a new macro with 4 triggers (enter home geofence, exit home geofence, enter work geofence, exit work geofence), and 2 actions using "IF" logic: 1) IF trigger fired: geofence entry: home OR trigger fired: geofence entry: work > enable wifi > end IF 2) IF trigger fired: geofence exit: home OR trigger fired: geofence exit: work > disable wifi > end IF. That worked as well.
Il mio problema ora è che voglio aggiungere una condizione: utilizzo Android Auto wireless che utilizza il Wi-Fi, quindi voglio modificare la macro per disabilitare il Wi-Fi solo quando esco da uno dei miei recinti virtuali solo se non sono connesso ad Android Auto. Ho provato ad aggiungere vincoli, ma ovviamente sto facendo qualcosa di sbagliato perché non riesco a farlo funzionare correttamente. Una volta che esco dall'area del recinto virtuale, disabilita il wifi. Ho provato ad aggiungere un ritardo anche per ogni evenienza, ma non ha aiutato. Sono sicuro che mi manca qualcosa di piccolo e stupido, ma come suggerisce il nome posso essere un idiota a volte🤓

Quale sarebbe il modo più semplice / pulito per impostare questa macro in modo che funzioni nel modo desiderato? Abilita il Wi-Fi quando entro in casa o al lavoro, disabilita il Wi-Fi quando esco da casa o al lavoro solo se non sono connesso ad Android Auto.
Ciao scusami sHi sorry I'm new. I also wanted to create a macro to turn wifi on/off within/out of enteo house/ I leave work but I did not understand it so well. Can you export the macro so I copy and paste and change the geolocation area with mine?
Making changes to the actions would not alter how the triggers fire.

Check you haven't accidentally disabled the macro or the category. Or MacroDroid.
None of that was disabled, and I watched the log when driving to work this morning. The triggers fired when I left my home geofence and when I entered my work geofence. So the geofence is working, I just don't have the macro set properly to skip disable wifi when connected to Android Auto...
Ciao scusami sHi sorry I'm new. I also wanted to create a macro to turn wifi on/off within/out of enteo house/ I leave work but I did not understand it so well. Can you export the macro so I copy and paste and change the geolocation area with mine?
Are you trying to do the same thing as me, or just turn wifi on when you get to home/work and off when you leave home/work?


Well-known member
Try using (Bluetooth) Device Not Connected -- your car instead of Not Foreground -- Google Auto.

(edited to clarify)
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Try using 'connected to vehicle Bluetooth' instead of 'Google Auto is foreground app'.
I was thinking about that last night - the issue might be because when connected to Android Auto the app is not actually open in the foreground so that may be why it still turns off wifi. I don't want to change the constraint to "when connected to vehicle Bluetooth" because I only want wifi to stay on when using Android Auto. I will try this just to test it, if it works then at least I know the logic is right, and then I would just have to figure out the best way to set it up to not run the macro only when connected to Android Auto...
Thanks for all your help!
Didn't have a chance to update last night, but it worked flawlessly last night and this morning. So now I know that the logic works, and I need to figure out if there's any way for MacroDroid to know when Android Auto is running (even though it may not actually be open in foreground) so I can have that as the constraint, since I do want it to turn off wifi if I'm not connected to Android Auto. I use the AAWireless dongle in order to get the wireless feature, which creates a wifi network so I thought I would be able to change the constraint to "AND not connected to wifi AAWireless" but for some reason it doesn't come up in the list of wifi networks... I'll have to see if I can figure out why, or come up with a different constraint. @Pseudocyclic thanks for all your help! Now my next project will be finding a way to keep my phone screen "always on display" active when connected to Android Auto... 🤣