Delete ALL alarms at once?


I'm running MD pro on Android 12. My clock app is Google Clock.

On my device, the "disable alarm" action (under Alarm Clock)in MD randomly removes the alarm from the alarm list in Google Clock. This means that I need to clean out the alarm list removing everything


I'm running MD pro on Android 12. My clock app is Google Clock.

On my device, the "disable alarm" action (under Alarm Clock) in MD removes the alarm from the alarm list in Google Clock (but sometimes does nothing). This means that I need to clean out the alarm list removing everything
Oops - typing on mobile if that helps any explain anything...

Anyhow, need to clean out alarm list, removing all old alarms at once before listing new alarms. The old alarms that are currently in the alarm list MIGHT have a label, but might not.

Can I use MD to automate this process anyway?
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Well-known member
It looks like it can be deleted using Google Assistant.


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