Failed to click viewId: com.whatsapp.w4b:id/send


New member
The action of sending Whatsapp message fails constantly with error "Failed to click viewId: com.whatsapp.w4b:id/send". It happens the same on a rooted device, and on others with ADB Hack. Just rebooting the device resolves it.
Is there a way to stop the macro if this error occurs? Maybe some trigger able to detect this error and send mail/webhook for the administrator to reboot the device?

Thank you very much!


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
The action of sending Whatsapp message fails constantly with error "Failed to click viewId: com.whatsapp.w4b:id/send". It happens the same on a rooted device, and on others with ADB Hack. Just rebooting the device resolves it.
Is there a way to stop the macro if this error occurs? Maybe some trigger able to detect this error and send mail/webhook for the administrator to reboot the device?

Thank you very much!
Maybe the system log entry can do that (although it has to be in another macro).