FIXED : User log vs system log date formats

Hello...I'm thinking I haven't looked at an exported macrodroid system log in a while...

Just did and noticed :

user log display and export
[2024-02-17 21:52:03]

system log export
17-02-24 21:55:24

Realize folks around the world have their own formats.

I'm in the US so that 17 first made me go 👀

Thanks for your help...


Active member
Just noticed... also System Log, Share Log
2024-29-02 14:35:30.654 - MacroDroid process has started
i am using "macrodroid process started" log aswell.
just a question, how can you see date format? i only can choose time format and at the beginning of every day i get a new date seperator.

i don't live in the us, but i prefer yyyy-mm-dd aswell, because of easier and clearer sorting and filtering mechanism.