Floating Buttons Duplicating & Related Malfunctions

I use the floating button trigger a lot. (Should really figure out the plugin.)

On two different devices, I discover there's a duplicate of at least 75% of the buttons under those that are supposed to be there. Some of the others seem to just not work.

Buttons sometimes persist when I disable each macro. Disabling MacrodDroid hasn't worked. Force stopping hasn't worked. Device reboot will, but I usually prefer not to have to.

Relatively minor, related issue: before all of the above came up, I'd hopped the Wait For Trigger action would let me do more with buttons. Problem was those would always persist after being pressed.


Staff member
There should be some fixes to floating buttons in 5.19.x release, which is rolling out soon. Please double check when you get this update and use report a bug in troubleshooting if you still have issues with the new release.