Google Play Store review process is a joke


Staff member
I am pleased to report after my last video, tweak to my policy declaration and some interaction via a Google Play Twitter account (a few DMs back and forth), I have been accepted for these permissions again. It's great new for now but a worrying indication of future problems to come I fear. Anyway, I will worry about those later and take this victory!


Staff member


New member
I am pleased to report after my last video, tweak to my policy declaration and some interaction via a Google Play Twitter account (a few DMs back and forth), I have been accepted for these permissions again. It's great new for now but a worrying indication of future problems to come I fear. Anyway, I will worry about those later and take this victory!
Glad to hear this. Congrtazz Jamie!!
Did they approve to you for this video?:


Staff member
@RangleB There is no transparency in the review process so it's impossible to be entirely sure why it was approved this time and not before but I will assume this new video helped....

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
I am thinking to try again at some point but I can't take the stress right now and once it gets rejected it really screws up review times for subsequent releases so maybe something I will try when I go on my summer holidays!
Yes. These anticompetitive behaviours are illegal. Lots of countries round the world have been suing Google left, right and centre and winning.


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
What is a joke is you changing your app policies to require watching adverts to let the app work and then being so rude whenever anyone comments on it, I hope you are on the road to failure.
There are multiple things that need to be understood here, and I'm definitely on the developer's side.
  1. This app has been developed singlehandedly for close to 11 years at this point. The developer works full time and now has an employee (@Josué García).
  2. Last time I checked, to live correctly in this world, you need to have a reasonable income. Now there is a thing to note here, it's that the pro version is one payment only and lifetime, including all future pro features.
  3. As it was explained, there are many, many free users who install the app, setup macros and just never open it again (= no ads seen for free user revenue). The pro purchases makes income, but there is a limit to it. To continue working on the app, the developer had to make this decision (it's definitely better than apps that will spam ads, don't you think?)


Staff member
Please don't bother engaging with this user. He's been using my app for a long time and at various points in the past accused it of being malware and various other bad review comments.

I just told him to uninstall the app so he can stop complaining about it and he obviously needs to complain further. Of course I probably shouldn't write such a comment but when people bitch like this it does get annoying.