Ignore "invalid macro" from template store.


Well-known member
When importing macro from template store MacroDroid should ignore that some trigger or actions aren't valid. Of course I do not have stopwatches that macro uses setted up if I did not even imported that macro. But MacroDroid does not even let me import that macro. Or other examples...



Staff member
Sorry for a slow response here. I think I still want a warning, but you are probably correct that you should be given the option to import the macro any way without first satisfying all the requirements to make it valid.


New member
Yah thats the ignore, if you click configure on anything and back out then hitting back again asks if you want to discard changes if you select keep then it adds it to your macros page

Also some macro variables need to be reset/added in, so it will say its inconfigured until you add its variables,


New member
Also on his macro yes that happens alot but most of the time you'll need to reconfig the icon to be your icon,

maybe it should add a ask to import that icon(if you have space)