Macro Not Running [This Macro]


Well-known member
What could be the use case of such a test? 🤔
When I use If - End Ifs with multiple Else Ifs I often want to maintain a certain order (eg alphabetic) for the Else Ifs to simplify updating and maintenance. For this reason I never use the initial If because it can't be re-positioned like the Else Ifs can. So for the initial If I always use a condition that will always return false....


Well-known member
Interesting use case!

You could also use a simpler (and maybe quicker) clause such as Compare value (boolean) true=false


Well-known member
Probably not much in it but I think Macro Not Running [This Macro] is easier/quicker to set up.

I used to use Rooted Device - Rooted (because my device isn't) but maybe one day...