MD Pro version checker (updated)


Well-known member
ℹ️ This is a sample macro to call "fⁿMDproVerCheck" Action Block.

⚠️ This new version has been rewritten to be fully compatible with old MD versions.

To check whether current MD version is compatible with minimum requirements of the calling macro. Current MD version must be a Pro release.

Just add the 2 Action lines* at the top of your shared macros to be sure users will always be able to run your macros safely, without bugs due to not implemented functionalities on their devices.

INPUT variable:
• MINver: string variable or constant containing the minimum required version # (with major[.minor[.revision]] numbers)

OUTPUT variable:
• OUTver: string variable returning either:
- the minimum required MD Pro version # if current MD version is lower than the required one
- empty if current MD Pro version # is same or higher

*: The 2 Action lines to add at the top of the calling macro are:
- Action block call with its 2 IN/OUT variables
- Cancel macro action with Constraint depending on the returned value of "OUTver"

