New triggers - access to triggers that are not built into MacroDroid by default


Well-known member
This macro should help users wo need additional triggers that are not built into MacroDroid, copy the trigger you want and paste it in to the macro you need it for. It is based on the intent received trigger which is of course built into MacroDroid

I already got your very interesting intents (on the previous forum ;)) but the link above seems not to be available anymore...

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
Android updates can break things sometimes.

If the link seems dead, you need to open it on devices with MacroDroid installed. Or see if this video helps:



Well-known member
This macro should help users wo need additional triggers that are not built into MacroDroid, copy the trigger you want and paste it in to the macro you need it for. It is based on the intent received trigger which is of course built into MacroDroid

Hi @Jacob L,

As you are our "well-known Intent finder 😉", would you know Intents to get Mac address, BT name or alias and any other info at Bluetooth device connection time?

Unless I misread, I couldn't find these in your long list of Intents (except for BATTERY_LEVEL_CHANGED).

Thanks in advance.


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
Hi @Jacob L,

As you are our "well-known Intent finder 😉", would you know Intents to get Mac address, BT name or alias and any other info at Bluetooth device connection time?

Unless I misread, I couldn't find these in your long list of Intents (except for BATTERY_LEVEL_CHANGED).

Thanks in advance.
I remember that a key can pop up in system settings with this info I'm pretty sure.

Try the key AllConnectedBluetoothDevicesInfo in Global table.

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
Besides that, according to Android's own documentation it's not possible since Android 6. I'm not 100% sure.

Some intents have extras which may get you the info needed

The Bluetooth beacon trigger may help you though


Well-known member
Besides that, according to Android's own documentation it's not possible since Android 6. I'm not 100% sure.

Some intents have extras which may get you the info needed

The Bluetooth beacon trigger may help you though
Would you know where to find documentation on these Extras?

In the Intent attached it's possible to retrieve Battery level and Mac address and I hoped it would be possible to get Alias and other infos with the appropriate Extra syntax.

It's even surprising to get this kind of information (Mac address) with an Action called "...BATTERY_LEVEL_CHANGED". Maybe you know another BT action less specific to battery level?


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