NFC in the home network



Is there a way without hack to turn on the NFC when I am in a particular network?

Thanks in advance.


Well-known member
The ADB hack provides easy control of NFC with the screen on or off.
An alternative, that doesn't require the hack, is to use UI method, but this only works with the screen ON.
A macro can be constructed to turn off NFC when in a network (using WiFi ssid) and turn on NFC when disconnected from this network.
THe macro using the hack method to control NFC would look like the following.
T WiFi connected to ssid (of the particular network)
T WiFi disconnected from ssid.
A if Trigger fired WiFi Connected to ssid.
A End if.
A If trigger fired WiFi disconnected from ssid.
A End if.
Using the UI method would require NFC on & off to be replaced. Something like this.
T Empty trigger.
A Android shortcut quick settings.
A wait 250ms
A UI integration click text NFC.
A wait 250ms
Remember this only works with the screen on.
Also NFC needs to be in quick settings - most phones allow quick settings to be edited. The macro, as written, toggles the NFC setting. Using a Boolean variable as a flag that tracks the NFC setting would allow the macro to turn NFC on or off (rather than toggle)
Depending on your phone quick settings may work on the lock screen, so doesn't need the phone to be unlocked.
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