Replicate Pressy or KlicK or Mi Key?


Active member
Many years ago (back in 2014 or 2015), there were a couple of interesting Android products like Pressy, KlicK or Mi Key that adds an additional "button" to your phone. The way it works is that it's a 3.5mm dongle with a button that you plug into your 3.5mm port. The button can be customized based on single click, double click, etc. It will do a bunch of things, like turn on the flashlight or whatever and I found it to be pretty useful. Unfortunately, the apps aren't available on the Play Store anymore and I've stopped using them a couple of years ago.

But yesterday, I found my Pressy while I was cleaning out some stuff and was thinking maybe I could use MacroDroid to customize the button. I tried using the media button trigger, but it didn't do anything.

Just wondering has anyone played around with this before and got it working?


Staff member
Many years ago I did look into these and I believe at the time the main problem was with compatibility. They would not work on all devices and they would stop working on others due to the usual killed in background and other Android specific nonsense. I don't remember details of exactly how these worked to be honest. The only thing I can suggest would be to search through Tasker reddit/forum to see if anyone is discussing it there as it can often give good hints of how it works and if it might be possible to detect in MacroDroid.