Separate notification title and text for Notification Received trigger


New member
Could we have a separate text comparison sections for the notification title and text? There is separation when I'm doing something with the text in an action, but it doesn't seem possible with Triggers. What I need this for specifically, is that I want new Whatsapp messages from specific contacts to be read over my headphones, but only if they do not contain certain words. I would like to compare the notification title with my contact names for inclusion, and the notification text with specific words for exclusion.

It could also work if there was an action to skip all further actions if a condition is met, but I couldn't find such action either.


Well-known member
You could set variable to notification title when notification is recieved and then compare it in if clause to check if it matches and perform actions if it does.

You could achieve skipping actions if a condition is met using if clause as well
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New member
But have 9 actions for this (excluding debug), to pause audio sources and un-pause afterwards. I guess there is no such thing as action grouping, so I could have one condition for all of them? Oh, there is. I could move them to a new macro with no trigger, and call that instead.