suggestions for helping synchronization of macros/blocks between devices


Well-known member
there was once discussion of having a choice menu to select which macros to import from a backup
this is a rather involved enhancement and does not help entirely in synchronizing macros between devices, so I propose a number of small incremental enhancents that will help enormously and with greater flexibility
all suggestions are numbered to id them and are in logical order

#1 add a date-time modified to each macro/block and display this next to the last activated date-time in the macro menu

#2 in the restore backup option have an option to overwite existing macros only when the restored macro is newer

#3 in the cloud backup menu show all cloud backups by email of registration of Macrodroid , ie. show all device backups, and allow restore from another device

#4 tag cloud backups by device name (the device name that the user entered in android settings) or by a name that is entered in macrodroid ( a new screen/entry field where user identifies his macrodroid installation ), currently backups are tagged by device model (eg. SM-Txxx for Samsung tablets) which is not a so good identifier and there may be mixups
I understand that the backups now may be identified really by a hidden uuid but it's the visible part that I suggest to change
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