Toggle Speakerphone?


New member
Did Android 11 kill the ability to turn on/off or toggle the speakerphone without root? I've got a Note 10, just upgraded to Android 11, and, even with Macrodroid Helper in and all ADB hacks employed, I cannot get the speakerphone "action" to work. I'm trying to get an Auto Speakerphone macro to work. All had been fine on Android 10. Thanks in advance for any thoughts/advice/help.


Staff member
Unfortunately there is no clear warning from Google that this does not work any more (The API still exists and there is no documentation saying it's deprecated). However there is a ton of anecdotal evidence that it no longer works on many Android 10 and Android 11 devices, including my own. However some users do report that it works for them.

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
It works for WhatsApp and some other VoIP apps however, EMUI 10 it does not work for GSM, normal calls.

As a workaround, users can use notification interaction to click the speakerphone button in their notification area , the same as hang up or mute