Webhook does not fire when triggered from an ESP 8266 MCU with ESPEASY firmware


New member

I try to use the Macrodroid webhook trigger from an ESP 8266 microcontroller with ESPEASY firmware.

The general format in ESPEASY to send http data is for example this:

When I do it to IFTTT with this format it works without any issues:
SendToHTTP maker.ifttt.com,80,/trigger/TEST/with/key/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

When I do it to Macrodroid with the same format the Macrodroid trigger does not fire at all:
SendToHTTP trigger.macrodroid.com,80,/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/test

There is no error feedback. The trigger does just not fire and there is also no push notification received on the mobile device.

Since the port needs to be included in ESPEASY I assume that this might be the reason somehow. I tried 80 and 443 but it does not work. The commas before and after the port number are mandatory for the ESPEASY firmware when using the SendToHTTP command. It also works with IFTTT but not with Macrodroid.

When I use the same link without port number from any webbrowser it works. trigger.macrodroid.com/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/test

Does anybody have an idea why the Macrodroid trigger does not fire when it is called by a microcontroller with ESPEASY firmware with the SendToHTTP command but IFTTT works with the same format without any issue?

Many thanks in advance.


New member
Does the webhook trigger only accept https:// connections?

The microcontroller surely cannot do https://.

When using a webbrowser including the port number it works as follows:
https://trigger.macrodroid.com:443/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/test -> this works
http://trigger.macrodroid.com:80/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/test -> this works as well but the webpage changes after sending automatically to https://trigger.macrodroid.com/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/test

Maybe there is an automatic redirection to https:// on the Macrodroid webserver?
Is there any way to use the Macrodroid webhook trigger without https://?


Staff member
Sorry I think you are correct that there is an automatic redirection to force everything to https.

I'm reluctant to fiddle with this right now, as I'm definitely not an expert when it comes to the server stuff and there is a risk I break stuff when I have many other things on my plate.