WhatsApp calls not ringin in Do Not Disturb mode


I set my Nokia 6.1 running Android 11 in Do Not Disturb priority calls mode from 9 PM to 7 AM the next day. However, during this time sometimes my daughter in the US makes an international call on WhatsApp. Since the phone is in the Do Not Disturb mode, unfortunately, the phone would not ring and I will miss the call. Can any macro be written so that the phone will ring in the Do Not Disturb mode for WhatsApp calls?

I am using the paid version of MacroDroid.


Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
You can use the notification received trigger (untick ignore ongoing notifications). Then you can add a volume change for media volume stream then play sound action and set it to play through media stream


You can use the notification received trigger (untick ignore ongoing notifications). Then you can add a volume change for media volume stream then play sound action and set it to play through media stream
Thanks will try that. One problem I can see is that this macro will fire for any WhatsApp call and not any specific number. I guess I can live with that.


@Jacob L Thanks for your suggestions. I have implemented the trigger for WhatsApp notifications. Have the following questions:

01. How to distinguish between a WhatsApp message notification and incoming call. In both the cases the title seems to be the same?
02. How to stop the media playing when I answer the WhatsApp call?
03. How to stop the media playing say after 15 seconds in case I do not answer the WhatsApp call?