Wifi configure not working

I have found that battery saver must be disabled for the helper file to work wifi. The enable wifi action will show on the log, and there may be an entry about calling the helper file, but nothing will happen if battery saver is enabled.
I have found that battery saver must be disabled for the helper file to work wifi. The enable wifi action will show on the log, and there may be an entry about calling the helper file, but nothing will happen if battery saver is enabled.
yes, I did disabled all the battery saver features of xiaomi and this happens also my location access is on. Google must have done this, idk since I don't read news abt them.
Whenever I want to invoke the enable wifi action, I first make sure battery saver is disabled and location services are on. After you get a connection, it's up to you whether to leave it like that or change it back.

You also can't disable wifi with battery saver enabled. Or, at least I can't. Helper file refuses to help.


New member
The default opinion on this forum seems to be if something doesn't work just blame Google. It's a very nice position for the developer as it means he never has to fix any bugs.

If you brought a Tesla and the headlights didn't work and they said "Sorry the lights don't work, blame Phillips, they ran out of stock"


Well-known member
The default opinion on this forum seems to be if something doesn't work just blame Google. It's a very nice position for the developer as it means he never has to fix any bugs.

If you brought a Tesla and the headlights didn't work and they said "Sorry the lights don't work, blame Phillips, they ran out of stock"
It's a shame!

Either your are working for G••gle or you don't know anything about Android and the way they try to reduce as much as possible devs' capabilities! Of course it's always to protect users security such as the need to have GPS position on to enable WiFi, for instance!!! Their main goal is to collect as many information as possible about each of us: name, address, phone#, activities, places we go, and so on...

It's the reason why I blocked all automatic system updates on my device and I'm glad to keep on running Android v9, which is enough for me to use my phone as a smartphone, not a computer (playing 3D games, watching movies, etc).

So, please, do not disrespect @MacroDroidDev who is always doing its best to maintain MD at the highest level despite all those daily, at least monthly, new restrictions and limitations.


Well-known member
The default opinion on this forum seems to be if something doesn't work just blame Google. It's a very nice position for the developer as it means he never has to fix any bugs.

If you brought a Tesla and the headlights didn't work and they said "Sorry the lights don't work, blame Phillips, they ran out of stock
99% of 'things that don't work' are caused by:
- changes to Android restrictions/permissions and Android bugs
- device (hardware) manufacturer's proprietary customisations/restrictions
- user errors

To suggest the MacroDroid developer "never has to fix any bugs" is complete and utter bollocks, as is your Philips/Tesla anology.


Staff member
@Purrbox I spend a large percent of my development time just trying to keep the app working when Google take away features. To use your Tesla analogy imagine you have a perfectly good switch on your car to turn the lights on and off. Tesla then "upgrade" the software and in the new version they decide that you as a user are no longer allowed to turn on/off your lights. This is exactly what has happened with Wifi. For 10 years it was a fully supported API in the Android SDK and then bang they decide you cannot do it any more. Of course my users want this feature to work so I have to spend ages building helper files, but the helper file wont work unless location is enabled and battery saving is disabled. Then I have to deal with 100s of users who say "You broke my macro" that used to work.

I understand from an average user's point of view that it's MacroDroid's fault and I'm a crap developer etc. Google are in a perfect position to do whatever they want because everyone just blames the app that no longer works and not the OS.

If you want to fact check, please do read: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/128554616