Android 13 migration issues


Couple of days back I migrated to Realme Narzo50 Pro running Android 13 fr9 Nokia 6.1 running Android 11. Unfortunately the transition has not been smooth. Following are the major issues I am facing with macros which were running flawlessly on Nokia.

01. Unable to change the media volume depending on which app, e.g. VLC, YouTube etc. are running. The launch of the app is detected correctly but the action to change the volume doesn't eork.

02. Similarly, changing the screen time out value doesn't change depending on tbe app launched. The launch of the app is detected correctly but the command to change the screen time out is ineffective .

03. The trigger to detect music has stopped playing doesn't get fired when the music stops.

Are there any specific settings I need to do differently on Android 13? Definitely want all my macros to work on Android 13.

Hope I don't face more issues as I start testing other macros.

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
Does the troubleshooting section tell you anything? If not, your macros may have pink in them, these are the bits that need reconfiguration. Still stuck? Follow steps at and tell us if the system log tile shows anything.


Well-known member
Couple of days back I migrated to Realme Narzo50 Pro running Android 13 fr9 Nokia 6.1 running Android 11. Unfortunately the transition has not been smooth. Following are the major issues I am facing with macros which were running flawlessly on Nokia.

01. Unable to change the media volume depending on which app, e.g. VLC, YouTube etc. are running. The launch of the app is detected correctly but the action to change the volume doesn't eork.

02. Similarly, changing the screen time out value doesn't change depending on tbe app launched. The launch of the app is detected correctly but the command to change the screen time out is ineffective .

03. The trigger to detect music has stopped playing doesn't get fired when the music stops.

Are there any specific settings I need to do differently on Android 13? Definitely want all my macros to work on Android 13.

Hope I don't face more issues as I start testing other macros.
Last year, for a few weeks, I had a Xiaomi 12 phone running Android 12 and had both your 01 and 02 issues.

The presence of these issues appears to be a result of changes from stock Android that the manufactures apply to their OS.

So not all phones sufferer from the issues.

For example, my Xperia 5 iv doesn't have either issue

I seem to remember a fix for Xiaomi phones that had issue 01. Search the forum, as that might work with Realme phone

Unfortunately I never did find a fix for issue 02, nor successfully develop a macro to change the settings - it used UI integration, so required the screen on and I found operating the phone interfered with the running of the macro. However, with the latest versions of MD, there is a new action to block screen actions - which would help.


Does the troubleshooting section tell you anything? If not, your macros may have pink in them, these are the bits that need reconfiguration. Still stuck? Follow steps at and tell us if the system log tile shows anything.
No everything checks out fine in the troubleshooting section. Also, followed all the instructions as given by Still no change. Checked the system log of Macrodroid. It shows that the macro has been executed and all the actions performed including setting the screen time out to 5 minutes. Still the screen goes blank after 15 seconds which is the default time out. Has any body tried to change the screen out after the launch of applications like DuckDuckGo, Chrome, WhatsApp etc.? I want the screen time out to be set to 5 minutes only for these applications.Worked like a charm on my pure Android Nokia 6.1 running Android 11. Bummer!


Last year, for a few weeks, I had a Xiaomi 12 phone running Android 12 and had both your 01 and 02 issues.

The presence of these issues appears to be a result of changes from stock Android that the manufactures apply to their OS.

So not all phones sufferer from the issues.

For example, my Xperia 5 iv doesn't have either issue

I seem to remember a fix for Xiaomi phones that had issue 01. Search the forum, as that might work with Realme phone

Unfortunately I never did find a fix for issue 02, nor successfully develop a macro to change the settings - it used UI integration, so required the screen on and I found operating the phone interfered with the running of the macro. However, with the latest versions of MD, there is a new action to block screen actions - which would help.
Thanks for the insight. I did bit or research and could work around issue 01. I had to check the Set volume in foreground option in the Volume Change action. That too care of setting the volume change for specific apps.

Still struggling with issue 02. 😏 Need this feature badly. In fact that was the sole reason I purchased the pro version of Macrodroid! On my earlier rooted phone I was doing this by using one of the Xposed modules. Since I did not want to root my phones I opted for Macrodroid to implement this functionality.
Haven't had time to to research the issue 03, of detecting automatically when the music has stopped playing.

Hopefully somebody in this group can help me with these two problems.


Well-known member
I think issue 02 can be solved with the adb command, I don't have a Realme device but I have an OPPO Android 12 device and the solution for issue 01 is probably the one I wrote.
I will check when I have time to see if issue 03 can be reproduced on OPPO and if there is a solution.


Well-known member
What music apps are you using on the issue 03, on the OPPO I was able to trigger play and stop on YT Music and Spotify fired.


What music apps are you using on the issue 03, on the OPPO I was able to trigger play and stop on YT Music and Spotify fired.
An update. I use Amazon Music. I found out that on my realme running OEM Android 13 after I stop playing music, the trigger to indicate that music has stopped playing does fire immediately. However, I also wait for 15 seconds to check whether the music has really stopped to avoid short disconnects because of internet problems. That takes upto couple of minutes for the OS to confirm that music has really stopped! So I can say that the macro is working.

Issue 02 is still baffling as the set screen timeout does work for few apps. Has never worked for DuckDuckGo, Chrome, WhatsApp etc.!


I think issue 02 can be solved with the adb command, I don't have a Realme device but I have an OPPO Android 12 device and the solution for issue 01 is probably the one I wrote.
I will check when I have time to see if issue 03 can be reproduced on OPPO and if there is a solution.
Tried the adb command. Works! Though I have noticed intermediate hiccups. Will update after I use it for few more days.

Don't know why the simple set screen timeout command worked for some apps! Weird ways of OEM Android OSs!!


Hard to say! The adb command with the tasker plugin works irrespective of the app!! Though I think in some cases that fails too. How I wish the smartphone manufacturers didn't tinker to much with stock Android. :( Need to do some more testing to confirm this.


Another thing. I have granted WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS to only macrodrod and not to the helper application. Do I need to grant to the helper application too? Any other permission to be granted to these two applications?


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
I attached a script that grants every permission it can. This includes the helper too. Move the file into the adb folder (where adb.exe is located) then remove the .txt extension to run it.


  • All permissions.cmd.txt
    3.8 KB · Views: 12

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
internet problems
Make sure to follow steps at for both MacroDroid and Amazon music. It may also be necessary to allow background data for Amazon in settings>apps>Amazon>mobile data>background data> on and unrestricted> on


Make sure to follow steps at for both MacroDroid and Amazon music. It may also be necessary to allow background data for Amazon in settings>apps>Amazon>mobile data>background data> on and unrestricted> on
I am so frustrated. Following the instructions on got the macro to set the screen time out to a specific value depending on the app, working. Now suddenly it stopped. No matter what app is launched, the screen dims after the default screen time out is over. The system log shows that the adb command was executed but apparently was ignored. Just for the heck of it I ran the adb tcpip 5555 once again. Had no effect.

Very very frustrating. How can an OEM mess up so much with stock Android?