Connect to Network (list of SSIDs)


New member
When I try to configure a "WiFi connected" constraint or a "WiFi state changed" trigger, all I get under the "WiFi is connected to" or "connected to network" lists is "Any Network". I used to also be able to select any of my previously stored WiFi SSID's
Is this a bug, or is there any why I can manually type in the SSID to be able to specify it in my constraint/trigger


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
If you don't give it the all the time permission then you can't do actiond in background.. But yes you can enable and disable location if you need unless you leave it on.


New member
This problem has returned for me since upgrading to Android 14. It was fine on 13
I still have permissions for location set to all the time for both MD and helper
All I get in the list of selectable SSID's is "Any Network"

You would think it would just be a case of accessing the list of previously connected SSID's to do this, without the need for location access. It's never easy!

Perhaps it may be an idea as a feature request to allow a manual entry of SSID name from inside this popup list, perhaps only when the list just contains "any network" with no saved SSIDs. Crude I know, but at least it provides a workaround.
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